“Winter is coming,” and you don’t have to be a fan of Game of Thrones to relate to that quote. Winter means a change of conditions, more specifically weather. And with a change in the air comes a shift to how your body will react. The sneezing and stuffiness are doomed to follow us, right?

Not if I have anything to say about it!

Just because the cold comes knocking doesn’t mean we have to be anxious to answer. We can prep our bodies a little by shifting our health habits, incorporating a little boost to our system. These practices give us that one-up against Old Man Winter.

Visions of Sugar Plums, But Hold The Sugar

One of the best defenses you can provide for your body this year is a low sugar diet. Eating or drinking too much sugar curbs immune system cells that attack bacteria. This effect lasts for at least a few hours after downing a couple of sugary drinks.

We love to get our sweet treat fix over the holidays, but one big way I curb my sugar craving is introducing a variety of exotic winter fruits into my daily indulgence. Blood oranges, guavas, cranberries, and tangelos are some great starters that have amazing antioxidants and are plenty sweet! They even match the Christmasy color scheme. And just to be clear, variety does not mean more; keep your fruit intake to 1-2 servings per day.

BONUS: Throw these babies into a smoothie for different ways to enjoy your new favorite fruits.

“Oh, Christmas Tea”

This season, instead of some super packed hot chocolate marsh-mellowy madness, it’s all about what leafy greens are in your mug! Switching over to your favorite types of tea can aid in the protection of your bones and immune system. Studies have shown that certain herbal teas can even help to prevent and battle cancer. Try adding Silymarin, commonly known as Milk Thistle to support your liver during the upcoming fall and winter months. A happy liver is a beautiful thing. How lovely are thy tea leaves?

“Oil, What Fun It Is To Try!”

Essential oils are the multi-faceted health agent. You name it; they probably help with it! Fighting the nasty ol’ cold and flu, healing various skin conditions, relieving pain, hormonal balance, even fighting wrinkles! These are just a few properties, given the right essential oil, that’ll keep you jolly well into the winter.

If you are interested in further learning about adding a little health conscious holiday cheer to this winter season including getting a handle on those sugar cravings, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,



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