Winter Clean Eating Program

 2017 Winter Clean Eating Program



It’s time to let go of what’s no longer serving you:


-The groggy afternoons, where the only thing that brings you back to life from zombie mode is a venti frappuccino.

 -The killer party that kicks off in your head as soon as your face hits the pillow – like why can’t I have this much energy in the morning?!

 -The digestive issues that haunt you like the ghost of last night’s pizza craving.


I’ve got news, gorgeous. All the energy slumps and sleepless nights, cravings and stubborn love handles, bad moods, and skin troubles. It can all be wiped away just as easily as nature clears its canvas in the dead of winter. 


 The truth is you’ll never know how freaking amazing it feels to be free and clear of toxins until you try.  


And once you do: 


Suddenly you’ll have the energy to make it completely through the day without feeling like you need an afternoon nap.


You’ll wake up ready to greet life with gusto instead of just dealing with your energy demise.


Your confidence will soar when your consciousness knows you’re truly doing the best you can to nourish your WHOLE being.


 The Winter Clean Eating Program is systematically designed to support you with a thorough, natural, and delicious approach to clean eating. 



Hi, I’m Patti DeFelicis, proud owner of Worthy Nutrition. I Patti Profile photoattended the CLIMB Institute for Health Professionals in 2014 and became a certified holistic nutritionist in 2015. But before that, nutrition was always a passion of mine – I just needed the education and guidance to apply my passion for helping others.

In the past, I have been the victim of processed eating, sugar highs and lows, salt overload and many other fun things – NOT.

But no more.

I have done (and continue to do) the work to get clean. I’ve learned how to eat less processed food, choosing real, whole foods that lessen my cravings for both sugar and salt. I’ve reclaimed my energy – I no longer end up with my head on my desk (and drool coming out of my mouth) because I just can’t stay awake.

I now have control over my intense sugar cravings, and I don’t feel deprived when I eat. I have worn the same size for over ten years (ten years!), a far contrast to the year I had nothing left in my closet but stretch pants and big tops to wear (that was not a good year). 


I help people regain their health, energy and lose weight through simply eating the right, wholesome foods and teach them mindful eating. 


Here are just a few of the TOXIC components lurking in almost every bite or sip of the SAD – the Standard American Diet:


  • Pesticides

  • Growth hormones

  • Antibiotics

  • Fungicides

  • Preservatives

  • Artificial coloring agents

  • Rancid oils

  • Fungicides

  • GMO’s

  • Phthalates and plastics

  • Endocrine disruptors

  • Fluoride

  • and so much more


Taking back your health is a revolutionary act of love for yourself and the planet. 



It’s time to experience just how amazing you were designed to feel each and every day. 




Here’s what you can expect with this program:


  • Clarity and awareness, no more brain fog or difficulty being present and remaining focused  

  • Awesome digestion which equals MORE energy to enjoy your life (the two go hand in hand)  

  • You’ll feel empowered to take responsibility for your health and learn to speak the language of your beautiful body  

  • A glance in the mirror after a shower will show you a glowing, healthy being

  • Total support and guidance along the way so that you never feel lost or lacking  

  • A brand new lifestyle option and tools at your disposal that you can continually use in your self-care practices  

  • Lower numbers on the scale 


 All of this can be yours the minute you choose to COMMIT to your health, and to living a vibrant, joyful life. 


With my brand new Winter Clean Eating Program you get everything you need to recalibrate, rejuvenate, and revitalize that beautiful temple of yours. 


No deprivation.

No fad diets.

No starvation.

No miracle cures.

No nonsense.


What’s included: 




Plus you’ll also receive these bonus guides:

  1. Face the Fear Affirmations

  2. Seasonal Foods For Nourishing the Body

  3. Moisturizing DIY Face Masks

  4. Teas to Relieve Constipation and Support the Lymphatic System


Say yes to YOU!


Grab your do it yourself program for only $47




Q: Will I be hungry all the time? 


Not at all! There are over 60 recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and there is room for snacks in between. Every meal is delicious and created by a fabulous chef to nourish your body from the inside out. This program is not about starvation or deprivation, and we are not counting calories or dwelling on carbs. You will feel satisfied with every bite. If you do get hungry, there are additional snack recipes included!


Q: Are there any dangers of removing sugar from the diet?


Processed sugar is not a nutritional requirement, and in fact, it robs the body of nutrients. There are no known dangers caused by not consuming sugar (it’s how humans lived for thousands of years). There will be some sugar in some of the recipes, mostly from fruit.


Q: Will I get bored eating sugar free foods? 


No way! While there are some juices and smoothies for you to choose from, you will also be eating salads, soups, and even desserts that are delicious and nutritious and will eliminate toxins from your body in a safe and natural way.


Q: Do I have to take any additional supplements or pills?


Not in this program!! The only supplement I recommend that everyone take on a daily basis is a probiotic, and you’ll learn why in this program.


Q: Can I do this program if I’m pregnant or nursing? 


If you are nursing, I suggest that you add at least 4-6 ounces of protein at lunch and dinner, boost your morning smoothie with a scoop of hemp or pea protein and eat snacks between meals. Make sure you are consuming extra fat and drinking enough liquids. This program does not include any detox-provoking agents, but again, please consult with your doctor before starting this program if you have any health concerns.


Q: How will I feel during the program? 


You are going to feel so healthy and energized it will amaze you! In the beginning, your body may go through a “healing phase” to re-balance and let go of toxicity. It is important to listen to your body through this program, and I will be here to support you with that. I will guide you step by step through exactly what can be done to reduce any unwanted symptoms that may appear. This program is completely flexible because we’re here to figure out what works for YOU!


Q: I already eat super clean, can I still benefit from this?


Many people who eat very clean already still have room to empty out the pipes with an elimination diet and take their healthy habits to the next level. Changing up the foods we eat gives our digestion time to rest and reset, which can be helpful for anyone regardless of their current eating habits.


 Q: I have a medical condition, is it still safe for me to do this program?


While this program is based on eating only whole foods, it is still advised that you consult your physician before beginning this or any program.


Note: It is important to consult your doctor before beginning any new eating or exercise program. This is a clean-eating program designed to teach you the difference between foods that inflame you and foods that fuel you. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



It’s Time to Free Your Body from Toxins and get your mojo back! 

The Best Time to Start is NOW



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