Making clean eating choices is easier when healthy food choices are readily available. I do this by keeping my pantry, freezer, and refrigerator full of healthy, clean options.

Eating clean is overwhelming. I get that. I felt the same way when I started. But let me assure you, you can do this. You are worth this journey.

Stocking your pantry and fridge is the fastest, sure-fire way to staying on track. You cannot eat unhealthy food if it’s not in the house. The key here is to stay committed to only eating what you have picked up at the grocery store. Once you get more into a routine, choosing healthy options when you are out or at work will become easier and easier. If you work outside of the home, this means packing a lunch. Avoid eating out when possible to avoid temptation.

So, let’s get into the specifics. Here is what I keep in my fridge and pantry.

Clean Veggies

Vegetables are full of minerals, vitamins, and fiber. They should take up the most room on your dinner plate. Fresh vegetables are always best when available. Frozen is the 2nd best choice when fresh is not feasible.

Clean Fruits

Fruit is a quick and easy option for clean eating, especially in the summer months. They are great for a quick energy boost and curbing your sweet tooth. Do limit your fruit intake as natural sugar is still sugar. Two servings per day, one if pre-diabetic or diabetic.

Clean Protein

Our bodies need protein and there are many clean options. Meat, Poultry, and Fish are great protein sources. Avoid processed meats such as bologna, salami, pepperoni, and hot dogs. Instead, opt for grass-fed (make sure it says “100% Grass Fed), organic meats.

Nuts and seeds are also good sources of protein. Almonds are my favorite for a quick snack. Eggs would also be on the protein list. Toss a boiled egg in your salad or prepare as an omelet with some veggies for breakfast.

Clean Fats

There are different oils available for different uses.

For Cooking:
  • Coconut oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Almond oil
For Non-Cooked Meals:
  • Extra-Virgin Olive oil
  • Unrefined Walnut oil
  • Unrefined Safflower oil
  • Unrefined Sunflower oil

You can also get healthy fats from foods such as avocados, walnuts and chia seeds.

If you are just starting out on this journey of eating clean, start slow. Go to the grocery store and familiarize yourself with the produce and meat sections. When in doubt, mono ingredients are a safe choice. As you become more comfortable with food choices, start experimenting with your favorite recipes – swap out ingredients for healthier clean versions. If you need additional clean eating support, schedule a FREE call so we can start you on the right path.

To Your Health,

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