So, you decided that you want to lower your meat intake. Whether you’re doing it to live a healthier lifestyle or for ethical reasons, it’s natural to have meat cravings still. Anyone who has embraced a plant-based diet and experiences the benefits may still find a juicy beef burger appealing. And let’s not even talk about bacon…

Most of us grow up as meat-eaters, and some people may not react well to sudden changes, especially when it comes to what they’re eating. Your best bet is to phase out meat from your diet slowly. Start with substituting a meat ingredient from one meal a day, gradually increasing it to two meals a day.

Here’s what you can eat instead when you’re craving meat while trying to follow a plant-based diet.


You can prepare this versatile vegetable in different ways with its meaty texture. Bake it, grill it, or fry it – it will taste fantastic and can serve as an excellent substitute for meat.


Tofu is a fermented soy-based protein that tastes like chicken, although it takes on any flavor you cook with. Therefore, you can play around with your spices and sauces. Tempeh is fermented nuts, seeds, legumes, or whole grains, is richer in protein, fiber, and calories, and contains prebiotics beneficial for the gut bacteria.


Mushrooms are similar to meat in texture and even flavor. They go well with veggies, noodles, and rice. Give Portobello mushrooms a try on your burger instead of a beef patty. 


These legumes are high in protein and can be used instead of ground beef. They come in several colors, such as black, red, brown, and green. Try it in soups, stews, or salads.


Like lentils, beans can make for delicious substitutes for meat. For example, you can use them in salads or as meat in tacos. 

Some people avoid eating meat for a variety of reasons. Some people thrive on a plant-based diet and some people thrive on a diet that is still highly plant-based but includes clean meats. Everyone is different, and I suggest you observe how your body feels when you change your diet.


Traditional crepes are a popular French dish made with a combination of flour and eggs. This extremely versatile, gluten-free version omits the flour and yields delicious low-carb wraps you can enjoy with your favorite sweet or savory fillings.

Savory combinations are a great way to enjoy leftovers the next day. You can use grilled steak, roasted chicken, and/or your favorite cheese and top with caramelized onions, sautéed mushrooms, and/or roasted veggies for a quick and delicious breakfast or lunch. Or try drizzling fresh strawberries and bananas with a rich balsamic glaze and homemade maple whipped cream for a yummy, sweet treat.


  • For savory crepes, add salt, black pepper, garlic salt, and/or dried herbs to the batter before cooking.
  • For sweet crepes, try adding some ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, and/or a drizzle of maple syrup, instead.

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes

Yields: 6 crepes

Batter Ingredients (use organic when possible):

  • 6 large eggs
  • 3 T. half and half
  • 2 T. extra virgin olive oil
  • Non-stick cooking spray

Savory filling:

  • 6 oz. goat cheese
  • 12 grape tomatoes, sliced
  • 6 oz. white mushrooms, sliced and sautéed
  • 2 T. fresh basil, chopped
  • 3 T. sliced green onion, green part only
  • Sea salt and black pepper, to taste

 Sweet filling:

  •  6 oz. fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1-pint heavy whipping cream
  • 1-2 T. real maple syrup
  • 1 c. balsamic vinegar


  1. Combine eggs, half and half, and olive oil in a large bowl, and whisk until smooth. If desired, season batter with savory or sweet ingredients and described above.
  2. Lightly spray a 10” non-stick skillet with non-stick cooking spray and set over medium-low heat. You may want to adjust the heat up slightly to just below medium.
  3. Pour 1/4 cup of the egg batter into pre-heated skillet and swirl the pan to evenly coat the bottom with a thin layer. If any holes appear, add a little more batter to fill. Cover the pan and cook until egg batter begins to set, approximately 2-3 minutes. Do not overcook.
  4. Once set, gently loosen the edges with a silicone spatula and flip the crepe, being careful to not break or tear it in the process. Cook for one minute more and remove crepe from the pan. Repeat with the remaining batter.
  5. Place desired filling ingredients in the center of each crepe and fold over both sides to cover. Serve immediately and enjoy!

To make the balsamic glaze:

  1. Heat 1 cup of good balsamic vinegar over medium-high heat until it begins to boil.
  2. Reduce heat and simmer until the liquid is reduced to about 1/3 of its original volume, stirring continually.
  3. When the liquid becomes thick and syrupy, it is ready to use. Cool slightly before using.

 To make maple whipped cream:

  1. In a large glass bowl, blend 1 pint of heavy whipping cream with a hand or immersion blender until it doubles in size and changes texture.
  2. Drizzle maple syrup into the bowl and continue blending until the mixture is light and fluffy. Set aside.

 To Your Health,


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