Yes, sugar, it seems, is the cause of many troubling issues when it comes to your mood and overall health. This week’s topic: sugar and its vexing predicaments when it comes to losing weight.

Let’s break it down. We know sugar causes inflammation, moodiness, and unwanted anxiety, but what about how it affects your weight? As you’ve probably guessed, sugar is not in your corner of this arena either. All the extra that most of us take in raises some serious roadblocks when it comes to losing a few pounds healthfully.

A Little History Brief

If we look back at the data, we see that though most exercise for weight loss has stayed relatively the same, our food quality has drastically changed, unfortunately not for the better. Sugar and preservatives flood most packaged food these days, and with those unwanted additives added to our diet, losing a simple, few pounds feels impossible. Those extra foreign chemicals and sugars sit in our bodies, taking a long time to be processed, and create a metaphorical “wall” to when it comes to losing those pounds.  Remember this basic rule: the more sugar you eat, the further you are from weight loss.

How To Spot Natural Sugar In The Wild

As we look at the sugar we take in, we can split it up into two categories: natural sugars that come from healthful foods, and the not-so-natural stuff, a.k.a the ones to avoid at all costs. It’s been so, so wonderful to watch the FDA shift toward a more transparent nutrition labeling system. Now, with most items purchased, companies have separated out the categories of natural sugars versus added sugars. While the FDA has a long way to go in gaining my confidence, I will admit this move makes it much easier to make health-conscious decisions.

Go FDA! (please!)

The key to cutting sugar? Commitment, folks! Remember, the more you eat, the more cravings you will experience. It takes a little “oomf” to go hunting for less sugary foods and to take those first steps toward a serious life change. But it’s not impossible! I’ve mentioned this before – hopping on the health train should be an exciting and mentally positive life change! Don’t get discouraged. Remember your goals, and remind yourself that change does not happen overnight. Be kind to yourself. You’ve got the strength, now go kick some sugary butt!

If you are interested in further learning about weight loss and its sugary nemesis, leave a comment below.  Or, book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,




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