It is that time of year when people decide what they want to get done and call them resolutions. While New Years’ Resolutions can be fun to choose they don’t often stick. When you treat resolutions more like goals, you have a much higher chance of success.

Use the SMART Method

Treat your resolutions like goals by using the popular SMART method for creating goals you will stick to.

This includes:

  • Specific–You should be able to be specific and write details about the goal and how it will be achieved.
  • Measurable–Are you able to track the progress of your resolution?
  • Achievable–You want to set resolutions and goals that can be achieved within the time you have set out.
  • Realistic–Make sure it is something that is attainable to you. AND something you truly value.
  • Timely–Do you know how long it will take, and can you choose a date when it should be completed by?

Have a Plan of Attack

Once you have made sure your resolutions fit all the SMART categories, you can then create a plan to work toward those goals and accomplish them before the year is over. For every resolution, ensure they are realistic, attainable, and be specific with what it is and how you can get it done. This is where you take the time to write out exactly what you need to do and when in order to achieve your resolution. It is where you start to understand that resolutions are simply goals.

Keep the Resolutions to a Minimum

It can be easy to have a list of 10 or more new years’ resolutions, but can you really focus on that many things at one time? The best thing to do is to keep your list short, preferably no more than 3-5 goals for the year. The only exception would be if you have a small goal to complete each month.

Consider One Resolution at a Time

Try to stick to just one goal at a time, spreading them out the best you can. Similar to not having too many resolutions for one year, you also don’t want too many new things to focus on at one time. This is really just setting yourself up for failure. So decide which you can start with, and try not to begin the next goal until the one previous has been completed or is at least on the right track.

[RECIPE] Cauliflower & Goat Cheese Soup

Serves 4


  • 1 large head organic cauliflower, rinsed, tough outer leaves removed
  • 2-3 cloves fresh garlic, roughly chopped
  • 2 organic green onions, rinsed, roots and dried ends removed
  • 2 t. dried parsley
  • 2-3 T. water
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 3-4 c. organic chicken or vegetable stock, divided
  • 4 oz. log organic and/or grass-fed goat cheese, cut into chunks
  • Sliced green onions, green parts only (Optional Garnish)


  1. Cut up the cauliflower, stems included, into small pieces and place in a large colander. Rinse thoroughly under running water and let drain briefly when finished.
  2. Place cauliflower in a large, microwave-safe dish with garlic, the white part of the green onions, and the dried parsley. Add 2-3 tablespoons of water and season with salt and pepper, to taste.
  3. Cover container and microwave on high until the cauliflower is fork-tender, approximately 6-7 minutes. (Actual cooking time will vary depending on microwave strength and the amount of cauliflower used, so test after 4 minutes and adjust cooking time accordingly).
  4. Remove from microwave, and fill blender container nearly half full with the steamed cauliflower mixture. Add 1 cup stock to the blender and blend until smooth. (Make sure the blender lid is adequately vented to allow steam to escape before turning on the blender).
  5. Pour cauliflower puree into a large soup pot and repeat with the remaining steamed cauliflower mixture and stock until it has all been pureed and transferred to the pot.
  6. Turn heat to medium and cook until the cauliflower mixture is heated through, about 5-6 minutes while stirring occasionally. Add the goat cheese and stir until blended. Cook another minute or two, or until the soup is uniformly heated. If the soup is too thick, add additional stock to reach the desired consistency. If it is too thin, continue cooking until excess moisture has been reduced.
  7. Taste and season with additional salt and pepper, if desired. Serve immediately topped with sliced green onion. Enjoy!

To Your Health,


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