It might be a few weeks away still, but the spring itch has found me this week! This got me thinking about the seasons, and more specifically the foods IN season. Since I’m here to do everything and anything I can for your health goals, I want to talk a little about how just shifting your diet toward the seasonal produce will bring you some crazy good benefits.

When Taste Gets Tastier

One of the best things about keeping to the seasons and buying accordingly has to be the taste factor. For example, asparagus and spinach are some of the hot ticket items in March – fresh and ready to go! These and many others will taste amazingly better than previously purchased at other times of the year. Your palette will definitely thank you.

Save Money, Feel Better

Fun fact, when produce is in season, it’s usually mass-produced. You might be thinking “Well yea, Patti, that’s obvious!” But following this chain of thought, this means that since it’s widely harvested, the price will be at its prime affordability! That means a little ease on your bank account while also getting an amazing selection. And if you’re someone who is a little reluctant to try new things, this is your chance, if you follow the trend of finding affordable grocery combinations.

Freshen Up

If you’re not pumped up already about in-season fruits and veggies (and I don’t know how you COULDN’T be), let’s talk health. The in-season foodies come with boosted nutritional value and are overall fresher. They have fewer additives to keep them fresh because they don’t need that stuff when they’re picked and shipped right away! When produce is stored for longer periods, their natural vitamin and anti-oxidant contents dwindle and can be partially lost. Or, even less appetizing, a lot of out-of-season produce has been treated with gasses, radiation, even coated with a layer of wax to stay “shelf ready”. No thank you.

I say look to the brighter, shinier yields and they won’t let you down. The best place to find them: Farmer’s market! It’s usually teeming with in-season fruits and vegetables as well as other wonderful foods.

If you are interested in talking more about in season foodies, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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