Many people find fasting beneficial as it helps to manage their appetite and weight while supporting their health. For others, it’s not a good fit for medical reasons or because it’s not a sustainable diet for them personally.

Fasting is an eating pattern where you refrain from consuming any calories for an extended period f time. This period can last between 12 and 40 hours. Water, coffee, and other calorie-free beverages are normally allowed while you’re fasting.

Why Do People Fast?

For some people, fasting fits well into their model of a healthy and sustainable long-term diet. There are many different reasons for fasting, including:

  • Weight loss: Fasting can assist with reducing your calorie intake, therefore promoting weight loss.
  • Improved digestion: Fasting can give the digestive system a break (it’s the body’s biggest energy sucker), which improves gut health and digestion.
  • Detoxification: Fasting can help eradicate toxins from the body.
  • Spiritual and religious purposes: Fasting is common practice in many religions and is often used as a form of spiritual discipline or to demonstrate devotion.

The Most Common Types of Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

This involves creating a schedule for times when you eat and when you abstain. There are several different variations of intermittent fasting, but the most popular is the 16/8 method, which involves fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window. This is my favorite, as I still get to eat every day! 

Water Fasting

People abstain from everything except water. The time can last a day or several days. This type of fasting can be especially hard on people who don’t eat clean very often (Standard American Diet – SAD) can detox too quickly on this fast and it can be quite uncomfortable, so do not start with this type if you’re thinking of trying fasting for the first time. 

Juice Fasting

People commit to eating only fruit and vegetable juices for a period of time, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks. When you do this, you need to avoid including a lot of fruit juices, as fructose is sugar and it can be hard on the liver.

Abstaining from Meat

This involves abstaining from meat for days or weeks. Many do this for religious reasons, while others abstain for health benefits. Some people also participate in “Meat-free Mondays” to reduce their intake of meat.

Before You Begin Your Fast

Always approach fasting with caution and avoid fasts that last too long. While fasting can be a safe and effective way to encourage weight loss, improve your digestion, and boost overall health, don’t rush into it without consulting a nutritionist or your doctor. By following these tips, you too can enjoy the many benefits of fasting without putting your health at risk.

Want to try a nutritionally supported (that means you get to chew!) simple, step by step 3-day fast called Reset? It jumpstarts your metabolism past that plateau, and helps your body get rid of bad cells, toxins, viruses, and bacteria. Click here to see the eight daily products you’ll get, or click here to see the Reset with 30 days of gut health support!


Serves: 4

Ingredients (use organic where possible):

  • 8 cups mixed greens
  • 2 large raw beets, grated
  • 2 cups shredded carrots
  • 2 cups shredded purple cabbage
  • Choice of healthy dressing


  1. Add all the ingredients to a large mixing bowl and toss well before serving.

To Your Health,


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