Many of you know of my double digit years of struggle with sugar. If you are here, my guess is that you are probably in the same boat. Whether you realize it or not, sugar may have a hold on you that doesn’t serve you.

Recently, I started working with a client – a 48-year-old woman – who was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, IBS and obesity. Initially, I was excited to have the opportunity to work with her, but the more I got to know her and her story, I quickly realized the struggles she has experienced had been from lack of knowledge. Instantly, I felt a sadness come over me – I had walked a similar path.

For years, and I mean 20+ years, she had succumbed to a life of not feeling well. All while not knowing that by simply changing her diet, she could change her life. I do not want you to struggle the way my client struggled for almost half of her life. So, I share what I’ve learned with you. It is my purpose to serve you so that you can reach your goal of a life of health and vibrancy.

I do this through customized one-on-one coaching + supplementation.

Getting off of sugar and keeping the sugar cravings away is hard. I am not going to lie or sugarcoat it, no pun intended.

Yes, natural sugars are better than processed sugars, but they contribute to blood sugar imbalance, which is what we want to avoid. Balanced blood sugar is what it’s all about. That, and gut health.

I do recommend dates for those who are transitioning away from sugar (IF they don’t cause cravings), but my absolute favorite natural sugar substitute is Stevia.


Stevia is derived from a small shrub primarily found in China and South America and is up to 500x’s sweeter (in its powdered form) than sugar. The raw leaves are approximately 40 times sweeter than sugar depending on the filtration and purification processes.

Stevia has zero calories and a glycemic index of zero. This is important because it will not cause blood sugar spikes. Stevia can also come in different flavors – great for variety. I am a fan of the brand SweetLeaf and they have some great recipes on their website. Also, Trader Joe’s small bottle of stevia powder has no additives, just straight stevia. Some people say they don’t like stevia because they experience a bitter aftertaste. Make sure you buy the Stevia extract made from Rebaudioside and less or none of the stevioside (that’s where the bitter taste comes from) and you should be good to go on that.

Monk Fruit Extract

Another great sugar substitute is Monk Fruit or Lo Han Guo. The fruit extract, or juice, is approximately150-200 times sweeter than sugar and contains no calories per serving – a very small amount provides a lot of sweetness. It’s also been safely used for centuries in Eastern medicine as a digestive and cold aid, and it does not affect blood sugar levels. It can be pricey, but I think it’s worth it. You can find it here with no harmful additives (additives, additives – sheesh!).

If you would like to explore a Sweet life without all the harmful processed sugar, Let’s Connect through a complimentary strategy session.

To Your Health,


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