It’s Time

» TO NOURISH your body from the INSIDE – OUT!
» Get rid of health-robbing toxins with my wholesome, delicious, simple plan.
» Time to feel radiant again so you can walk with confidence.
» You can have rocking’ energy, lose the muffin top, ditch the dark circles under your eyes, and wake up feeling energized when you cleanse out the toxins.
» To wake up in the morning NOT needing the strongest espresso to get your body moving.
» To look great in that skinny jeans and put your favorite sexy black heels on for a Saturday night date.
» To hit the RESET button and say bye-bye to belly bloat, fatigue, and dry skin.
» Time to OWN a HEALTHY GUT: normal poops, less gas, less cramping, less heartburn

I was surprised at how easy it was to stick to the program, mainly because of Patti’s encouragement and the menus offered were so delicious. Although I cannot offer an exact number of pounds lost (since I neglected to weigh myself prior to beginning the program), I know my clothes fit looser and I just feel lighter.


» You are set up for success when you have a step-by-step plan. A simple, wholesome program gives you a roadmap you can follow day-to-day to reboot your body.
» You will have accountability, support from me while eating delicious seasonal foods to recharge your body.
» You can quit worrying about everyone else and build a solid commitment to your health – because you want to feel healthy and look fabulous, right?
» Let’s kick the belly gurgling to the curb!

For 11 days, we will focus on YOU.

» You ditch processed foods, dairy, wheat, soy and sugars that rob our bodies of much-needed nutrients and leave us exhausted.
» I’ve laid out the entire program, and you can follow it. All you have to do is download the plan to your iPhone, iPad or desktop, then go shopping and prep your meals.
» Let’s get your body cleansed you can love the way you feel in your skin.


» You CAN ditch the horrible belly bloat, which means a flatter tummy and a toned
» You CAN get your energy back, so you can do more of what you love in life.
» You CAN say buh-bye exhaustion and not crash at 3 PM looking for the next coffee fix.
» You CAN release the toxins, making it easy to lose weight.
»You CAN have glowing skin because toxins lead to wrinkles, cellulite, and acne.

Here is the solution you’ve been waiting for…..

The Summer Detox

I offer this program for 5 BIG reasons:

» There’s too much conflicting information out there about what to eat. It’s too confusing. So I’m providing all of the information you need to end the confusion.c
» I want to empower YOU (yeah, you!) with the right tools for healthy detoxification so you can improve your immune system in a safe and nourishing way.
» You can use these steps over and over.
You deserve a quality program, packed with all the recipes and step-by-step instructions you need to detoxnaturally– one you can use over and over again throughout the entire season to refresh and reboot.

Are YOU ready to ditch the toxins, refresh, and renew?

Are YOU ready to change the way you look and feel?

Luckily, there’s a simple solution:

A Seasonal Food-Based Detox Program.

Folks, it’s time to leave the confusion, diet books, and deprivation behind! This program will guide you, step by step, by eliminating the foods that may be ruining your health and happiness.

This step-by-step approach to detoxing is designed to help you finally figure out which foods work for your body and fuel you – and which ones don’t – safely and effectively.

You will not feel like you’re missing out on your favorite foods.

How does this program work?

It’s a safe and effective detox based on eliminating food, which means we take away foods that may be hampering your digestion and taking away your vitality. We slowly add them back in during the transition phase and see how your body reacts to these foods.

What happens when you buy?

» You get access to all the materials
» You get access to the private and exclusive online forum
» You can do this program at your own pace
» I will be in the private forum to answer your questions for11 days

You can have all of these amazing results when you follow these steps.

  • Eliminate foods that are wreaking havoc on your digestion, leading to bloating and blah.
  • Boost your immune system, so things like the common cold don’t take you down.
  • Get rid of that middle section by learning what foods reduce belly fat and drain the lymphatic system.
  • Ditch the old BFF- sugar(yep, I used to be a sugarholic – I know what it’s like).
  • Have killer energy that is consistent throughout the entire day.
  • Have better bowel movements (because being constipated is the worst).
  • Sleep better, which means not waking at 3 AM (when the liver is most active).
  • Flatten your belly, by reducing foods that may be wreaking havoc on your system and causing bloat.
  • Eliminate or reduce the need for coffee, and stop spending money on Starbucks.


From belly bloat to my own autoimmune, there is one common link – chronic inflammation.

Did You Know? Inflammation = Exhaustion

“Toxins from food and the environment can make you fat. Toxins may come in the form of medication, bacteria, industrial chemicals, and heavy metals such as mercury. These pollutants can damage or block the signals that control your appetite. You can detoxify your body with the right balance of protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients found in plant foods.” Dr. Mark Hyman


I don’t believe in fad diets, whatsoever. They don’t work well, and they don’t have lasting results.

I believe in detoxing and clean eating.



Why is this program different?

» This program is virtual, which means you get access to your materials, the forum, and my coaching right away, and you can participate from anywhere in the world and at your convenience.
» This program lays out every step you need to take daily – your meals, shopping lists, handouts to make detoxing easy, suggested breathing techniques and suggestions for daily detox are all laid out for you.
» This program is loaded with 50+ recipes, so you never feel deprived (& you can use these recipes over and over again).
» This program is filled with low glycemic, low sugar recipes and teaches you how to properly food combine, which leads to more energy for you overall.
» This program is not about a quick fix. I am teaching you exactly what I do in my own life to improve my immune system and detox my body.
» This program will teach you what I do in my everyday life to have a strong immune system, consistent energy, and get your sexy back.
» This program was created for busy people, just like you and me, who want more energy, need a concrete plan, desire less stress, and want recipes at their fingertips. (I’ve done all the work for you. You just need to come on board).

What’s included in The Program:

11 Days of Detox Materials:

» Recipe Guide: packed with over 50 scrumptious recipes that will improve digestion, give your body the proper nutrition it needs, jump-start your metabolism, and keep you feeling that killer woman energy all day long. {$95 value}
» 11-Days of Suggested Meals + a Shopping List: keeps you on track and makes your life easier, it’s the perfect resource for the busy woman. Trips to the supermarket are suddenly super-simple, which makes prepping, preparing, and cooking for your cleanse a breeze, too {$95 value}
11 Days At-a-Glance: a day-by-day overview of your entire cleanse, with easy-to-follow recipes that make this journey easy as 1-2-3 {$95 value}
Food Diary: this amazing tool will help you keep track of how you’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally throughout your retreat. {$35 value}
Bonus Handouts: Educational materials to help you detox not only physically, but mentally and emotionally also
» Group Support: A private Facebook page where you can ask questions and receive support and encouragement.

11 Days of Support + Recipes + Program Materials worth well over $ 300

But you get it all for ONLY $47 >>> $47 if you act now!

I’m ready. Are you??? LET’S ROCK.

It’s time to kick it up a notch, my friend.

You deserve it.

Let’s Get Healthy Together!

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