Think, right now. What are you stressed about today? I can think of a handful of different things that I’m juggling, just this morning.  Yuck, right?

Stress is one of those things that unites us as living, breathing, feeling humans. Sometimes it’s that necessary evil in our daily routine (as long as it’s not too much) that pushes us to reach our goals and reminds us when deadlines are approaching. And it almost goes without saying that when stress creeps up on us, we tend to call upon our sweet tooth. The floodgates burst and in flows the ice-cream!

But why? Are we all destined to suffer at the hands of temptation? Heck no! It may surprise you, but our brain neurologically takes comfort in those “comfort foods”. Our bodies? Not so much.

The (Internal) Struggle Is Real

When stress and anxiety come to call, a chemical hormone in our adrenal glands called cortisol is released, which is totally fine & natural in small doses. But when cortisol lingers too long, an array of trouble can occur. Digestive problems, hormonal imbalance, even strain on brain cells can happen if that cortisol sticks around too long.

Enter that big, super warm mall cookie that just hits the spot. That’s all fine and dandy for your stress as comfort foods actually dull and lower your cortisol levels… buuut… your health will definitely be taking the blunt end of that double-edged sword. Those guilty pleasure treats rapidly add up and can cause an increase of abdominal fat, fatigue, and in more serious cases obesity and gnarly adrenal issues.

So… What’s the Good News?

Worry not! There are plenty of ways to counter both the sugary craving and the stress that causes it.

Stress Be Gone! (Or At Least Dealt With)

First step: Get some exercise.

Pop in your earbuds and get to sweatin’! As you hit the gym, your brain produces feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins that help combat and dampen stress and anxiety levels.

Step Two: Meditate like there’s no stressful tomorrow.

When we meditate, our mind and body are able to genuinely connect and we are able to let go of the outer world and all of its worries. I love when I get that much-needed time for myself to take a break from all of the push-pull of the day. It is so important to schedule this into your day and stick to it.

Here’s an article on How To Create A Blissful Prayer/Meditation Space you might find interesting.

 Third Step: Talk it through.

Whether with friends, family, a stranger, or even starting a journal, getting everything out of your head helps process what’s causing the stress and anxiety. This offers the opportunity to look at things from different perspectives as well.

“Sugar, Sugar!” vs “Honey, Honey!”

If done correctly, comfort food is still an option! A quick trip to the pantry is completely fine, as long as it isn’t a sugar rush or a huge portion. Hold on tight because I’m about to drop a health bomb, aka a list of amazingly tasty alternatives to your sugary go-to’s.

Berry salad
Health smoothie
Veggies & Hummus
Kale Chips
Baked sweet potato chips or fries
Frozen banana smoothie
Apple and almond butter
Grapefruit Guacamole
Trail mix – healthy mix (my personal fav)
Superfood energy balls
Avocado ice cream
Water with lemon or orange slices
Cherry tomatoes (another fav)
Baby carrots and cashew butter
Granola bars (homemade)

Finally, if you absolutely cannot say no to that amazingly soft looking brownie, don’t panic! There are healthy alternatives for brownies and other guilty pleasures. If you are interested in further learning about your sugar intake or stress levels, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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