One of the most important things you can do to avoid getting sick – and not just from cold and flu, but anything else out there that’s contagious – is keeping your body as strong and healthy as possible. One of the best ways to do that is to eat a healthy diet and get some sort of daily exercise. Here’s what that may look like:

Tips for Eating Healthy 

Improving your diet to eat healthier can seem like a challenge. There’s a lot you can do. The key is to start and make small improvements as you go along. A great place to start is by cutting out sugar and processed foods as they are very inflammatory which lowers your immune system. Replace them with whole food options where you can. Have an apple with a few pecans or walnuts instead of a candy bar when you need a snack. Fix some scrambled pasture-raised eggs instead of pouring a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning. Skip the fast-food burger and fix a salad with a clean protein to take to lunch. You get the idea.

From there, I would encourage you to add more fresh fruits and vegetables (especially veggies). Try something new. A new piece of produce, a new healthy recipe, a new way to cook your favorite foods in a healthier way, as availability allows. Experiment and don’t be surprised if your tastes change over time. A baked sweet potato will start to taste better while soggy burgers will start to lose their appeal.

Simple Ways to Sneak More Exercise into Your Day 

The key to regular exercise is to create a few habits. An easy way to start is to incorporate a brisk daily walk (if not on lockdown depending on where you live). Something as simple as a stroll after dinner or first thing in the morning can contribute to a healthy body. Another option many find helpful is to wear a pedometer or fitness tracker. Monitor your daily step count for a few days and then start to increase it until you get to the recommended 10,000 steps – or challenge yourself to do even more.

Keep your bones strong and improve your overall fitness by adding some simple weightlifting routines. You don’t need any fancy equipment. Use your body weight for resistance and grab some cans to use as weights. Of course, once life resumes after the current outbreak, you may also choose to join a gym or hire a personal trainer to help you get into a good workout routine. Until then, there are a lot of great and now free resources online helping people to stay fit given these new government orders to stay indoors. I love Fitness Blender online, as it has many filters you can apply to find just the right workout.

Between the healthy food you’re eating and the exercise you’re getting, you’ll start to feel better, get stronger, and become healthier. As a result, your immune system will be in a better position to protect you from whatever cold and flu season sends your way.


Here are some exercises you can do from home. Remember, it is recommended to move 30 minutes per day.

Walk up and down the stairs (if available). Carry some weight in each hand for extra resistance.

Counter-top pushup. Using the countertop – place your hands on the side of countertop in an upward push-up position. Using your bodyweight – push off. Using your body as resistance lower down towards the counter. Repeat

Cherry Picker – Bend at the waist and touch the ground using the tips of your fingers. Come straight up and touch your chest. If you are not able to touch the ground completely, go as far down as possible. 

According to Shape Magazine, lunges are a quintessential exercise; you can do them anywhere and the effects can be seen in no time, in the form of shapely, toned legs and backside (just in time for bikini season!). If you’re planning on incorporating lunges into your routine, however, make sure you’re not doing more harm than good. Find out how to do lunges correctly below.

The basics: It’s important to do lunges properly so you don’t put unwanted strain on your joints. Here’s how to perfect your form:

  • Keep your upper body straight, with your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up (pick a point to stare at in front of you so you don’t keep looking down). Always engage your core.
  • Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far, and make sure your other knee doesn’t touch the floor. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.



Here’s a way to take care of yourself every day by supplementing with highly absorbable Vitamins, Minerals, and Probiotics. The Everyday Wellness Combo features XFactor Plus and ProBio5 for immune support (75% of our immune system resides in the gut). It also includes Vitalbiome and Ease Capsules to help supplement your day with essential products for a healthy, happy you!*

To Your Health,

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