Summer is drawing near, and warmer days at the beach are upon us! What better way to feel better, look better, and rid your body of toxins than with this Spring Cleaning Smoothie!

Get Those Fruits and Veggies In

Are you struggling to get in your recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables (I always hide kale in a smoothie because I don’t care for the taste)? Are you skipping breakfast because of time restrictions? Do you feel tired or less energetic?

Fear no more! It’s time to be proactive about your health, especially when there’s a smoothie recipe THIS delicious and beneficial for your mind, body, and soul! Start off your morning with this high-quality smoothie dense in nutritional value, drink it midday as a snack, or take it on-the-go to the gym! Enough talk, time to share!


1 ½ cups dairy-free milk
½ cup pea or broccoli sprouts
¼ teaspoon ginger powder
1 handful mixed greens
1 apple
3 kale leaves
½ lemon, juiced
dash of cayenne pepper

What exactly will this smoothie do for me, you might ask?

Dairy-free milk such as Almond, Coconut, or Hemp Milk are loaded with vitamins, rich in protein, and are packed with minerals. Dairy-free milk is also easier to digest! Broccoli and Pea Sprouts are superfoods shown to have anti-diabetic and antimicrobial properties, improving kidney function, and killing cancer stem cells! Ginger (great for digestion) and Cayenne Pepper act as anti-inflammatories! Cayenne Pepper also acts as an anti-allergen, anti-fungal, and antibacterial! The additional fruits and vegetables tie in this smoothie providing you with the ultimate cleanse for a healthier liver while ridding your body of toxins that have been building up!

More Better

Want an extra boost? Add in a scoop of your favorite probiotic powder to aid your gastrointestinal health while enhancing your immune system response! You can find a probiotic powder at most grocery stores or health food stores! Or, break open a capsule Vitalbiome into your smoothie; it contains 8 strains that are clinically proven to help with mood or the ProBio 5, with 5 bacterial strains, of which one is an anti-fungal (yay!) along with 4 different enzymes.

Don’t make this a one-time thing. Make this Spring Cleanse Smoothie part of your daily routine! You’re on your way to a happy and healthier you! Trust me, your liver will thank you later!

To Your Health,


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