Well…shoot! You did everything you possibly could to avoid it, but someway. SOMEHOW. you’re sniffly, puffy, and feeling crummy. You have a cold. And since we aren’t yet to the point where a simple cure has been discovered, we have to rely on other tools to get all cleared up.

There’s no one way to ease your passing through these Phlegmy days (or weeks), but switching up your diet and routine can dramatically speed up recovery.


Let’s start with the drinks. Of course, water is great, but a little boost is what we’re after these coming weeks. This means an increase in vitamins, so a small amount of orange juice and lemon water will help. A little honey mixed with the lemon water adds an extra soothing agent to the throat while the juice will boost the immune system to help combat the virus. If you prefer to stay sugar-free (or if you know you should!), you can still do the lemon water and add some stevia to make lemonade. You can also eat the whole orange as your fruit serving for the day.

 Sleep It Off

Your body is run down, it needs extra rest. Getting to bed earlier will give you ample sleep time to start recovering. Prop yourself up so your head is slightly elevated higher than your body to relieve sinus pressure so that you’re able to breathe as comfortably as possible. You may even want to consider a humidifier or better yet, a good old-fashioned vaporizer during the coming weeks as having a cold can leave you dried out and super stuffy – it really helps with those dry coughs. A humidifier keeps moisture in the air and the road to recovery less raw.

Stay Warm

They don’t call it a cold for anything! To get over this sicky feeling, it’s time to turn up the temp a bit. Take warm Epsom salt baths, create some steam and get those pores and sinuses opened up and clean out the junk – the magnesium in the Epsom salts are detoxifying and nurturing at the same time. This breaks up the mucus and lets you start to breathe easier. Stay bundled so your body can naturally fend off the virus. And that lemon water I mentioned? Warm that stuff up to soothe an inevitable sore throat! This will keep you nice and toasty inside and out.

If you are interested in further kicking that cold’s butt (or even better, avoiding it altogether), leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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