Why can smoothies be important for breakfast? Here’s the skinny:

Breakfast is the Bomb

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and sometimes it just doesn’t fit into our schedule the way it should. How we begin our day will determine how the rest of the day goes. It will determine if we feel energized or if we are dragging due to lack of energy. What we put in our bellies is directly related to how we physically feel.

So, if you are a skip breakfast and grab the coffee mug morning person, then this blog is for you.

Energy = Gold

We all need and crave energy. I know I do! Sometimes it is so easy to want to grab a quick bowl of cereal or even forget breakfast and just get through the morning on 1-2 cups of coffee for the energy needed to survive the day. I don’t want to just survive the day, though; I want to thrive throughout the day, don’t you? I also don’t want to go on the “crash and crave” roller coaster for the entire day, who the heck does?!

Crash and Burn

If you begin your morning with caffeinated coffee and sugar, you will crash, and you will be either too tired to handle your responsibilities well, or you will be reaching for another cup of coffee  (or two or three more) to get through a few more hours. This cycle is not good for your adrenals, to say the least.

Enter the Smoothie

A smoothie is a fast breakfast that can help energize you throughout the entire day. When you toss in some greens, a little fruit, and a healthy liquid like coconut water, you are bound to feel energetic and ready to take on the day. Starting the day with a smoothie also gives you well-needed antioxidants which help protect your body from free radicals, and it is a great low glycemic start. Eating a low glycemic breakfast will help curb your sugar cravings for the entire day, and it will also help keep you from crashing.

Try one!

Next time you want a quick breakfast, try a delicious smoothie that will leave you feeling energized and motivated. A morning smoothie will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to produce natural energy and naturally boost your metabolism. I do recommend adding protein to your smoothie by adding a scoop of your favorite protein powder (whey – if okay with dairy, hemp, or pea can be good choices), or you can have a clean breakfast meat alongside your smoothie for protein also.

So, what are you reaching for tomorrow morning? I know I will be pulling out my blender and getting ready for some long lasting energy. Try the smoothie recipe from my Fall Seasonal Detox Program I’ve included below!


Serves one

  • 1 ½ cups dairy-free milk or water
  • 1 cup mixed greens
  • ½ cup berries
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower seed butter
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder (whey, hemp, pea)
  • Sweetener to taste (stevia, or a little raw honey) – optional
  • Add all ingredients to blender and mix until smooth. Enjoy!!!

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