It’s officially “that time of year”. A wondrous, magical time of joy and cheer. And food… lots and lots of food. As we put the tempting sweets of Halloween to rest, it seems we’re just getting started on the season of endless treats. And the tricks continue to follow.

As the holidays roll in, it’s important not to lose sight of your hard-fought health goals. This time of year tugs on our emotions and it’s easy to slip into our old habits. But fear not!

You can still get your sweet on this holiday season if you remember a few crucial things.

Choices, Choices

They’re pretty tough to make when you’re facing an army of delicious, freshly baked delights and different comfort foods, Heck, it’s all comfort food during this time of year! The best way to tackle endless options? Stretch out your indulgence. This means giving yourself an allowance of a little treat or two per day. That’s it. None of that sneaky snacking later! This way you get to enjoy your favorite treats throughout the course of the season without overwhelming yourself or sabotaging health goals. You can also make your own comfort foods and desserts that are a healthier alternative and bring them with you – no one will be the wiser, just be stealthy! For dessert substitution suggestions see my free guide on kicking your sugar cravings to the curb.

Willpower will be tested, but you’ve got this!

Chew Through And Through

This one sounds like a no-brainer, but the power of chewing will be a lifesaver this season! Take your time with every bite. Chew slowly and thoughtfully, giving your body time to process the food it’s taking in. So many times we dive into the gravy and turkey and wolf it down, ending in that crumby post-meal bloat. No one wants the bloat. Your stomach needs time to send messages to your brain, telling you, “Hey I’m gonna be full, so hit the breaks!”

Food is meant to be enjoyed, not just inhaled! 

Portion Control Out Of Control?

One of the biggest blunders most of us experience is grabbing a handful of snacks, then another, and another. Avoid this trap of snacking straight from the bag, box, or fridge! When we aren’t conscious of how many handfuls we’re taking, our portioning is thrown off and many times much higher than what’s ideal.

Carefully selecting your plate of munchies lets you truly appreciate how much is in front of you versus the “endless supply” of munchies coming from the cupboard or fridge. Commit to a set amount of food and stick to it. Along with portioning, try finding plate sizes more fitting to your ideal portions. This removes the danger of adding a few extra scoops of mashed potatoes to your Thanksgiving feast.

Mindful eating takes some motivation as well as support. Relay your health goals with your friends and family. They may be able to throw encouragement your way when times get tough. Remember your ultimate goals: to feel better, look better, and be better. It is the most wonderful time of the year after all!

If you are interested in further learning about preparing for the upcoming holiday, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,



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