Mornings set the tone for the rest of our day, and feeling energized early in the day can make a significant difference in our overall productivity and well-being. If you often find yourself dragging your feet and longing for an extra hour of sleep, this post is for you. Let’s explore five practical ways to feel more energized in the morning to kickstart your day positively.

  1. Rise with the Sun

Embrace the natural rhythm of the day by waking up with the sunrise. Natural light in the morning helps to regulate your body’s internal clock and promote alertness. Open the curtains or step outside for a few minutes to soak in the rejuvenating sunlight.

  1. Hydrate and Refresh

After hours of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated. Start your morning routine by drinking a glass of water to rehydrate and jumpstart your metabolism. For an extra refreshing twist, add a squeeze of lemon or a splash of apple cider vinegar to boost digestion and detoxification.

  1. Stretch and Move

Do some gentle stretching or a short workout routine to get your blood flowing and wake up your muscles. A few minutes of yoga, stretching, tai chi, or a brisk walk to increase circulation and stimulate your energy levels should do the trick.

  1. Power Up with Breakfast

Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Opt for options like eggs, whole grain toast with avocado, or a protein-packed smoothie. Avoid sugary cereals or processed foods that can lead to an energy crash later in the day.

  1. Set Intentions and Visualize

Take a moment to set intentions for the day ahead. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals, staying focused, and embracing positivity. This mental exercise helps cultivate a sense of purpose and motivation, leaving you feeling energized and ready to tackle the day.

Remember, creating an energizing morning routine is a personal journey, so feel free to customize these suggestions to suit your preferences and needs. By dedicating time to prioritize your well-being in the morning, you’ll experience a boost in energy, productivity, and overall positivity that will carry you through the day ahead. Rise and shine, and embrace the possibilities that each new morning brings!

If you need a healthy hydrating drink and a healthy energy boost, try Active and Hydrate – it boosts nitric oxide production (a Nobel prize-winning ingredient), focus, clarity, energy, and 5 high-quality electrolytes!

Last week we gave you a cold chia pudding recipe, and this week is the hot chia pudding recipe with a couple of changes. Enjoy!


Prep time: 5 minutes

Serves: 1

Ingredients (use organic where possible):         

  • 1 cup dairy-free milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon honey (or Stevia to taste)
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • 1 pear
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds


  1. Add the milk, vanilla extract, ginger powder, cinnamon, and honey (or Stevia) to a small pot over low flame.
  2. Warm the milk for about 5 minutes. DO NOT let the milk boil.
  3. Next, add the warm milk to the chia seeds, stir and allow the seeds to soak up the milk for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Mix well and top with chopped pear and pumpkin seeds. Add more cinnamon if desired.

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