When you choose drinks as you are working on losing weight, you should also be thinking about what could burn the most fat. Here are some fat burning drinks to try out:

Green Tea

If you choose just one drink aside from water, it should be green tea. It can easily be flavored with honey or stevia, and non-dairy milk can also be added. Green tea also has many other health benefits: improving skin, increasing metabolism, and helping to clean out your system. Green tea also contains a high amount of antioxidants. In addition to providing a moderate amount of caffeine, green tea is an excellent source of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that promotes fat burning and the loss of belly fat. Try to have at least one cup of green tea a day if your body is okay with caffeine.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has been credited with reducing appetite and lowering blood sugar and insulin levels in people with diabetes. Vinegar’s main component, acetic acid, has been found to increase fat burning and reduce belly fat storage in several animal studies. How do you like them apples?! Start with one teaspoon of raw (unpasteurized) apple cider vinegar per day diluted in water and gradually work up to 1–2 tablespoons to minimize potential digestive discomfort. You can add the juice of one lemon or lime and a bit of stevia and voila! You’ve got a refreshing, cooling drink for the summer!

Infused Water

You probably already know how vital water is, but try to change it up a little by drinking infused water to help your fat burning efforts. Infused water has fruit and/or veggies in it which help you burn fat and lose weight. Plus, drinking cold water can help give you energy and speed up your metabolism (but you don’t want to drink only cold water – it can create an imbalance within the body. Make sure you get some room-temperature drinks in also). Start drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, some at room temperature and some cold. Try to include some veggies and fruits like berries and cucumber in your water for a tasty infusion.

Vegetable Juice

Another great beverage to include in your fat-burning toolkit is vegetable juice. This should be a homemade version, not something you get in a bottle or can as those are full of unhealthy additives. Using a juicer, juice veggies like celery, carrots, kale, spinach, and many others. You can also blend veggies in a blender and either drink as is or strain through a cheesecloth. Drink your cooled vegetable juice before a meal to burn more calories and fat even while you’re eating your meal.

To Your Health,


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