The end of Summer is fast approaching – and also our summer indulgences. Be honest – did you indulge this summer – a little more ice cream – a yummy slice of pie with that picnic potluck? Summer has become a big CELEBRATION time for many – It’s SUMMER, right?

I just returned from visiting my daughter in Boston and while I was there, my sweet daughter went out of her way to find us healthy food options, that’s love if I do say so myself! Boston is known for its fresh seafood and I did indulge in some delicious scallops here and there. So, for the most part, I was able to stay on track healthwise.

There’s absolutely no shame if you indulged a bit on your vacation, but now that you are back – its time to reset and get back to a good healthy routine.

Here are my favorite tricks to getting back on the bandwagon when I fall off:
  1. Start your day with warm Lemon water with a dash of Turmeric. This will help with any inflammation and reduce the belly bloat
  2. Get some GREENS. If you like smoothies or juices – go for the green kind. Salads. Veggies. Whatever you can get your green hands on. The goal here is to kick some of those sugar cravings you might be experiencing.
  3. No ALCOHOL. Put the fruity drinks with the cute umbrellas down. Alcohol is loaded with carbs and calories. Clearing your system of alcohol is a quick way to reduce the inflammation and puffiness.
  4. Exercise. This might seem like a no-brainer, but exercise during summer vacation (unless you are a hiking enthusiast) seems to get put to the wayside. Start by walking or if you belong to a gym, take a class. The key here is to just START.

For those of you who did the summer detox program with me – I have a longer program perfect for resetting after your summer. I call it my 14-Day Slimdown program. This program, while only a short commitment in time will have a dramatic effect on your health. This program is self-guided and will provide all the tools and resources to jumpstart you into a healthful lifestyle!

To your Health,

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