You worked hard all week. Packed your lunches all week. You were true to your weight loss goals, and then it happened. The weekend hit, and well, you blew it! Does that sound familiar? How many times did you eat healthy all week just to fall off the wagon come the weekend?

Well, don’t worry. You are not alone.

However, if you are trying to lose weight, keeping on track over the weekends is CRUCIAL to reaching your goals. Check out these tips to help you stay on track, even during the most fun weekend events!

Tips to Avoid the Weekend Binge:
  1. Ditch Perfection. No one or no diet is perfect. Take the weekend to relax your regimen.
  2. Let hunger be your guide (unless you’ve had no sleep the night before – no sleep equals greater hunger, so be sensible). If everyone is having pizza Saturday night, have a slice, but only if you are hungry.
  3. Eat with intention. This goes along with tip #2. Listen to your body. If you are not hungry, skip the pizza.
  4. Plan ahead. If you know you have a special dinner planned, look up the menu before you arrive so that you can make a wise choice.
  5. Forget guilt. If you plan to eat a certain food, but end up with a not-so-great choice, get over it, move on and stay with your plan. There is no need to add the stress of guilt which can derail your plan. Throw it out the door. Guilt is a binge eating emotion.
  6. Stay busy. Find ways to keep your mind off food. Read a book, go for a walk, clean the house—keep your legs moving in some way. You’re more likely to overeat if you sit around the house doing nothing.
  7. Acknowledge it. If you unintentionally overindulge on the weekend, acknowledge it and stay the course. Don’t allow yourself to fully derail your efforts.

I hope you found these tips helpful to quit the weekend binge.

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To Your Health,



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