Winter can be a difficult few months to get through. The cold weather keeps us indoors and that can take a toll on our bodies. In the winter, moods may become worsened, more so than during any other season. So, let’s make sure you are prepared with some simple items that might help you make it until spring decides to show up.

Winter Accessories

Just like you would get flip flops and sandals in anticipation for summer, winter needs its own accessories. Whether it is a new, comfy hand-knit scarf, mittens, or a new beanie, make sure you have the accessories to keep you warm and safe this winter. The extremities get cold the fastest because your body naturally keeps your core (where your vital organs are) warm before your hands, toes, and face. Therefore, you will need to prepare clothing that will keep them extra toasty this winter.

Skincare Products

The dry, cold winter can have devastating effects on your skin. Make sure you have moisturizers to keep your skin nurtured, soft, and not chapped this winter. One of the most sensitive areas is the lips, where chapping can happen with the barest exposure to a harsh winter. Opt for an “ointment”-type moisturizer that is oil-based rather than water-based to create a protective barrier on your skin that will better retain moisture. This should prevent cracking, chapping, or itching of the skin, especially if you keep them covered up with winter accessories! Make sure these products are “clean” as your skin will absorb the ingredients into the bloodstream. There is an app called “Think Dirty” that will guide you as you purchase. 

Vitamin D Supplements

The body produces vitamin D naturally, but only when exposed to regular sunshine. Vitamin D is related to bone maintenance, absorption of calcium, balance, boosting the immune system, and memory. During winter months, when the days are shorter, and you’re inside more often, you will have to take a vitamin D supplement to make up for the lack of sunshine and natural vitamin D production. Go for clear, football-shaped vitamin D3, which has shown to have a more significant effect than vitamin D2, which is white and opaque, along with vitamin K2.

Indoor Workout Plans

Regular exercise is a part of any healthy lifestyle, so it is important to remain active throughout the winter months. For those who work out regularly outside, this may not be possible after a blizzard, so it is necessary to have plans to do alternative exercises at home.

Most yoga programs are available on DVD or online streaming service for both physical, emotional, and mental strengthening. If you have access to a car, you can still attend in-person yoga classes, since it takes place indoors.

High-intensity interval training with body weight exercises is another often recommended form of indoor activity, particularly using the 4-minute Tabata method. Tabata is a method where you exercise strenuously for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight cycles, which is equivalent to a 30-minute workout! HIIT is great also. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can find online!

Winter can be scary to anticipate, but people have gone through them successfully for millennia with a bit of preparation. If you put together a winter self-care kit that addresses your needs, you should be able to make it without any problems. Keeping your body healthy and active will make the three months go by like nothing!



Makes 4 servings

3-5 pounds of soup bones*
Water (enough to cover the bones)
1 tablespoon Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar

*NOTE: Ask your local butcher shop for soup bones. Soup bones are usually very cheap, if not free!

In a stockpot, add the soup bones and enough water to cover. Add raw apple cider vinegar. Bring to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer for 24+ hours.

After about 24 hours, strain the stock into mason jars. Set them in the fridge to cool. Skim off the fat that rises to the top, and close tightly with a lid, or put in ice cube trays for quick use. Keep in the fridge for a few days, or for four to six months in the freezer.

If you would like to make chicken soup, add a quart of your stock to a pot with your favorite vegetables. You can add tomatoes, celery, carrots, leeks, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, turnips, etc. Bring to a boil, and then simmer until the vegetables are soft. Once the harder vegetables are soft, you can add chopped leafy greens like spinach, Swiss chard, or kale. Add sea salt and pepper to taste. Top with fresh herbs like parsley, basil, dill, oregano, rosemary, etc.

To Your Health,

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