So, I have a little confession to make. I was not feeling 100% on New Year’s Eve. I had a little sinus thing going on and feeling a bit run down and I was not okay with that. BUT I was still able to spend NYE with wonderful people and doing one of the things I love most: swing dancing, which made me so happy! I was also able to rest before and after the big night and in doing so, reflect on the past year and my hopes and wishes for the coming year.

You see, I remember many other new year’s eves when I was sick, tired, coughing out a lung and in bed by 8 pm. I missed the ball drop and the clank-clank of champagne filled glasses. I was so unhealthy and not taking care of myself very well (food addiction, especially sugar, will do that). I’m so glad I’ve done work physically, mentally and spiritually to overcome some of the roadblocks to my enjoying things in life, such as celebrating the holidays.

I love the New Year – starting fresh, starting new. It gives me a renewed burst of energy. And again, it was great to reflect on the past year and plan for the new.

A New Partner

As some of you know, last year I joined forces with Plexus Worldwide. While I was hesitant in joining at first (what will they think?!), I have quickly come to realize how this high-quality product line aligns with my personal nutrition beliefs and preferences as well as my holistic nutrition coaching business. I personally look forward to helping more people change their current lifestyle and health so that they can live a long, happy and healthy life.

Ring in the New Year

Many of us ring in the New Year with the resolve that this is THE year. The year to _________(insert goal). You know what I am talking about. The year to lose weight, stop drinking soda, quit sugar, gain more energy, exercise more, etc. (you know what’s coming next, right?), only to have those wishes go to the wayside within the month. And, don’t get me wrong, those are all great goals. With all the commitments and resolve that the New Year brings, why do the majority of us fail to meet those goals? Is it lack of motivation, willpower, drive? Would you believe it’s none of those?

When I work with my private clients, new year or not, the real issue is the plan and the execution. Any diet, any weight loss program will actually work, as long as you have a plan and can properly execute it. In order to do that, a health plan must be simple and doable. Otherwise, the execution will fall short. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Believe me, your behaviors and patterns can change, so let’s start a new plan!

A New You?

I love that saying, “New Year, New You,” but I don’t necessarily believe it (yes, I titled this blog with that just to get your attention).  I don’t think you need to be remade into a new you every year because YOU ARE ENOUGH AS YOU ARE. Doesn’t mean you can’t have goals and plans for growth but it needs to happen within the context of accepting yourself as enough so that when you screw up (and you will, we all do) you can get right back into the saddle again and continue growing. Transformation is a journey. It is not a quick fix or a few pills. Transformation takes dedication, sacrifice, and a positive mindset. Understanding that this is a lifelong process (with the same you) will make this sustainable. This is the beginning of learning how to get anything you want.

If you are ready to have a conversation about how to truly make 2019 a year of transformation, contact me HERE

To Your Health,

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