With the holiday season and its temptations quickly approaching, I want to give you a jumpstart to developing new healthy habits. No need to wait for the New Year. You can start now! Well, read to the end…but then you can start after that.

The biggest misconception to adopting a new healthy lifestyle is that it is complicated and depriving. And for some extreme diets that would be true; but to truly move to a space of a healthy lifestyle, it really can be simple. You are eating real food (as unprocessed as possible – not looking for perfection here) for meals and snacks that keep you full and satisfied. Simple, right? Well, it is, but that’s not the entire picture. A healthy lifestyle encompasses much more than just the food you eat.

So, what does it mean to live a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a life-long process that includes a balance of healthy eating, physical activity, weight and stress management. Basically, you will want to exclude anything that can have damaging effects on your well-being; that’s a great start. Now depending on your definition of a healthy lifestyle, this could also include fostering healthy relationships that we have with one another, including any spiritual relationships.

Start Today

Changing our habits can be difficult if you don’t have a solid reason (your “why”) and a sustainable plan in place. But once you do, a life of optimal health is your reward. Here are some of my best tips for healthy living habits.

  1. Eat Breakfast – It jumpstarts your metabolism and stops you from overeating later. You don’t have to eat a big meal if this isn’t your cup of tea – the critical thing here is not to skip. Our bodies need some form of nourishment when we first wake up in the morning. Including protein in your breakfast is a good idea.
  2. Plan Your Meals – okay, this one will take some practice and consistent commitment. But I assure you, if you block out some time, then sit down and consider your goals and needs – this will become easier and second nature.
  3. Drink Plenty of Water – I know I say this over and over, but for a good reason. Water is a life source. We can’t survive without it. Staying hydrated has so many benefits to our overall health. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water up to 100 ounces daily is a good plan.
  4. Move regularly. I’m not saying you need to train for an extreme sport, but consistent, daily movement is key. It’s great for your body and mind (and your cancer-fighting lymphatic system!).
  5. Unplug from electronics, social media and plug into YOU. Take a walk, read a book, or chop veggies for your next great dinner (it can be very therapeutic, especially when doing so with your favorite tunes playing in the background).   Having a little down-time will do wonders.
  6. Sleep Well. Solid and restful sleep is essential for our overall health. As we develop good sleep habits, we ultimately support our whole system which translates to better quality and longevity of life.

Developing healthy habits takes practice. However, if you are consistent, what once seemed like a daunting chore will quickly be a regular way of life. Making a plan, staying consistent and focusing on the end goal are all positive ways to live a healthy lifestyle successfully.

To help jumpstart your plan, you can take part in a 14-day Sleigh the Season weight loss/maintenance challenge to stay healthy during the holidays. Click here and click “Learn More” for more info!

To your Health,


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