It happens to us all at one point. Uncomfortable and downright unwelcome inflammation. When your body starts showing signs of inflammation (joint pain, redness, swelling, etc.), it can stem from a ton of different places. One of those causes is, you guessed it ladies & gents, a high sugar intake.

As I mentioned these past few weeks concerning sugar messing with your hormones and stress levels, it scales a full assault on your body, and inflammation is one of the first signs of attack. When that spoonful of sugar that “helps the medicine go down” becomes more and more spoonfuls, your body cries out in protest. They say you can feel it in your bones, and they aren’t kidding. The joint pain can be unbearable, and along with swelling and a nasty hot feeling that just won’t subside, it’s time to take sugar out of the equation.

I’ve said it before; it’s unrealistic to cut all sugars out of your diet, especially the natural ones! But there are a couple of ways to counter inflammation and to prevent that pesky problem altogether!

“These Are Not The Fruits You’re Looking For”

We see ads for products every day, shouting at us that many different juice combinations contain the right amounts of our veggie and fruit intake for a balanced diet. And what do we do? We go with it, of course, because it’s more convenient to buy the one thing versus figuring out which fruits and vegetables we want to buy for the week. Avoid this trap! Nine times out of ten, that juice you’re holding is pumped with waaay more sugar than what naturally comes from the original fruit. And when we drink all that sugar, hello inflammation! Kick juice to the curb and buy the bright and shiny fruits and veggies as is; the fiber alone will be worth it.

What’s For Dessert?

Nada. That’s right, no triple chocolate brownie here. Dessert is the perfect recipe for inflammation to arise. Many times, after we eat a big meal that sweet treat calls our name even though we’re plenty full. Your body is occupied trying to break down the food you’ve just consumed. But when a big ole slice of key lime pie comes to call, the body is going to react. And you’ll feel it. I know it’s a tough one, but cutting out dessert is a solid way to give your tummy a rest and keep that excess sugar from creeping in. That’s not to say we can’t enjoy a treat now and again! But just trust your body when it says, “No way, honey. I’m stuffed”.

Trust Yourself

Your body is truly a temple, and it’s a smart one at that. Listen to your body. There’ll be plenty of moments when you’re not feeling so hot, and many times you’ll find the reason in your diet. Cutting that sugar sooner than later works to eliminate those sluggish, burned out feelings we all get after snacking too hard on those Halloween Oreos (give me strength!). But just remember to check in with yourself and know the signs of too much sugar. Fight the inflammation through prevention. Your body will thank you.

If you are interested in further learning about sugar and fighting inflammation, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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