When it comes to staying in shape during the winter months, it can be a challenge. However, if you’re determined to feel good despite the winter challenges, the good news is there are many great indoor workouts you can do until spring arrives. So, if you’re ready to keep your muscles toned and your mind sharp, here are the best indoor workouts for winter self-care.

Spin Classes

If you enjoy cycling but don’t want to have cold air hitting you in the face or deal with black ice on the road or rain, consider taking a spin class at your local gym. Very intense workouts, they can help you burn hundreds of calories while making sure you get a great cardio workout at the same time. In addition, they’ll help keep your legs strong over the winter, so you’ll be in great shape when spring arrives.

Indoor Rock Climbing

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a non-traditional workout that will stimulate your muscles and your brain, try some indoor rock climbing. Indoor rock climbing walls, growing in popularity, can be found at many gyms across the country. Along with strengthening your arms, shoulders, back, and legs, you’ll also keep your cardiovascular health at a high level while having to use your mental prowess to decide the best spots to put your hands and feet to reach the top of the wall.


In case you haven’t noticed, dancers are some of the most physically-fit folks you’ll ever meet. Therefore, if you want to get in shape over the winter, have some fun and make some new friends along the way, try taking some dance classes. Whether you want to learn ballroom dancing, ballet or tap, or even go retro and learn some disco moves to satisfy your Saturday night fever, dancing will be a great way to spend the winter months.


Always seen as a great way to tone your body and mind, yoga not only improves your strength and flexibility, but is also shown to reduce stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Whether you take a class at a local gym or yoga studio or choose to go it alone at your home, this workout will keep you motivated through the winter and also help you feel better in your personal and professional life.

While it can be challenging to take care of yourself in the winter, using any of these workouts will make the days fly by much quicker than you ever thought possible. From yoga to dancing to rock climbing, you’re sure to enjoy yourself every time.



Makes about 4 servings

4 large beets
4 large carrots
1 tablespoon coconut oil
½ cup sunflower seeds
1 garlic clove
2 tablespoons tahini
2 teaspoons cumin powder
1 lemon, juiced
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and black pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Wash, trim and chop the beets and carrots into quarters. Add them to a large mixing bowl. Massage with coconut oil then layers onto a baking sheet. Roast for about 30 to 45 minutes until tender. Set aside to cool.

Add the cooled beets and carrots to a high-speed blender along with the sunflower seeds, garlic, tahini, cumin, lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper. Blend until smooth and serve with flax crackers or sliced cucumbers. Store in an airtight container for up to 7 days.

To Your Health,

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