There are many ways you can reduce, reuse, and recycle your food waste. By thinking more about the food we waste every day, we can help create positive changes to conserve some of the earth’s most valuable resources. Even small changes to the way we shop, cook, and eat food will help reduce the impact we have on the environment.

Here are some more practical tips on how to reduce your food waste.

Your Freezer is Your Best Friend

One of the easiest ways to preserve food is by freezing it. The types of food that take well to freezing are endless. You can freeze leftover meals, excess produce from your favorite farmer’s market, and bulk meals like soups and chilis. There are also smart ways of freezing fresh greens for salads and excess herbs.

Understand Expiration Dates

There’s a difference between “sell by” and “best by” dates. “Sell by” is used to inform retailers when the product should be sold or removed from the shelves. “Best by” is a suggested date that consumers should use their products. While neither of these terms means that the product is necessarily unsafe to eat after the given date, you will want to use your best judgment before consuming, especially with the “Best by” date.

Compost When You Can

Using leftover food as plant food is a beneficial way to reuse food scraps. An outdoor composter may work well for someone with a large backyard while a countertop composter is best for city dwellers with houseplants or small herb gardens.

Pack Your Lunch

Lunch meetings or grabbing a meal from your favorite takeout place may be enjoyable, but it can also be costly and contribute to food waste. By bringing your own lunch to work, you can provide the amount that will be just enough for you. Try freezing your leftovers in portion-sized containers for hearty lunches at work.

Pamper Yourself

Want to save money and avoid potentially harmful chemicals in skincare products? Try preparing a scrub or mask at home. Combine overripe avocados with a bit of honey for a luxurious combination that can be used on your face or hair. And mixing used coffee grounds with a little sugar and olive oil makes an invigorating body scrub.


Serves: 1

Ingredients (choose organic where possible):

  • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup dairy-free milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 coconut flour
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin spice


  1. Add all ingredients to a small pot over medium-low heat, and whisk well.
  2. Bring to a simmer, then cook, stirring constantly for 1 minute or until thick.
  3. Serve immediately, or cool then chill in the fridge.

To Your Health,


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