Sometimes, life happens, and you need to grab a quick meal on the go. But what if you don’t want to totally blow your healthy eating plan? Is it possible to hit the fast-food drive-thru without the guilt?

In recent years, many fast-food chains have improved their nutrition game. Even though cooking at home always trumps getting takeout, some restaurants have started to think outside the typical cheeseburger and fry combos. By introducing more veggie-forward meals and vegan options, they are indirectly helping customers to make healthier choices, especially for people who live in areas where fast-food chains are the main affordable option.

So, yes, there are healthier fast-food options. You just need to know how to order.

Careful with the Condiments

Some fast-food condiments, like mayonnaise and oil-based sauces, add a lot of fat and calories. There are those that are lower in calories and fat, but they will likely still have some sodium and plenty of sugar. Use a little bit of ketchup, mustard, marinara, or BBQ sauce instead of creamy sauces and spreads.

Hold the Sides

Anything on the side, especially when it’s fried like French fries and onion rings, is no good. If you want to add something extra to your main meal, look for fresh fruit cups, plain baked potatoes or side salads (and hold the dressing, or use a small packet of reduced-calorie dressing). 

Don’t Drink Your Calories

The last thing you need to add with your takeout is a drink that gives you the calories and fat without the nutrients, such as soda, sugary fruit drinks, and milkshakes. Choose either a no-calorie beverage like water or tea (hopefully unsweetened) or something that contributes some nutrients along with its calories, like 100% orange juice.

Always choose foods that are low in fat and higher in fiber and protein. Replace refined grains with whole-grain buns or bread, choose grilled or roasted meats instead of fried or breaded ones, and stick to one burger patty.


Serves: 4

Salad Ingredients (choose organic where possible):

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 3 cups cooked brown rice, kept warm
  • 1 cup salsa
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
  • 1 15-ounce BPA-free can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 15-ounce BPA-free can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
  • 16 organic crunchy corn taco shells, warmed
  • 1 cup organic sour cream OR vegan sour cream
  • 1 cup guacamole
  • 2 cups pico de gallo
  • 2 cups shredded purple cabbage
  • 2 cups shredded iceberg lettuce

For an omnivore option, substitute 1 pound cooked, crumble ground beef for the beans.


  1. Add oil, cooked rice, and pico de gallo to a medium pot over medium heat to warm through. Remove from heat, cover, and set aside.
  2. Add beans (or cooked, crumbled ground beef if desired) and pico de gallo to a small pot over medium heat to warm through.
  3. Divide between warmed taco shells, then top with sour cream, guacamole, cabbage, and lettuce.
  4. Serve tacos alongside red rice

To Your Health,


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