Ahh, summer is here, are you ready? I know this So Cal girl is ready for all summer has to offer! I just love the energy, the activity, and the vibe of California in the summer.

I will admit summer may make it a little easier to get into that healthy vibe, but being healthy in the summer does take some dedication and intention. Whenever you decide to eat healthy and exercise a little bit more, it never fails, some kind of holiday or special event comes up – Pool Parties, BBQ’s, 4th of July, Festivals…I can go on and on.

And then, you guessed it, the healthy eating goal is out the window.

It can be a challenge to maintain a healthy eating plan during the summer. So, I wanted to share some of the ways you can make healthy choices during the summer months.

Be mindful about what you are eating

I am not saying you have to be that awkward person who declines every invitation because you don’t want to “fall off the wagon.” You can still enjoy your party without overindulging or being “that one” that people have to tiptoe around what you can and can’t eat. If you know the host well, call and find out what the menu is if it’s not included in the invite. That way, you can plan ahead.

Food is meant to be enjoyed and savored.

One simple rule I live by is that food is fuel. Food is nourishment. When I am intentional mindful about what I put into my body, I ask myself: is this food going to fuel my body and nourish me, or is it going to just please me in the short term (we’re talking like 5 minutes of pleasure and then it’s “why did I eat that!”)?

I’m not going to lie…it is very easy to get distracted at parties and inadvertently eat more than your body needs. You’re socializing, having fun, talking up a storm…I did it too. I wanted to try all the delicious foods and not insult the host. Before I put food on my plate, I quietly ask myself those simple questions. And really, most of the time the host is not even paying attention to what I’m eating!

Choosing healthier options is now easier and sometimes I try to find a quiet space to eat where I can focus on the food and savor every bite.

Be aware of drinks

Now that your plate of food is under control, let’s turn our attention to beverages. Drinks will kill all your healthy efforts, so let’s take a look at some options

Most every party I attend has coolers upon coolers filled with many varieties of soft drinks, beer, and cocktails. Hello, empty calories – no thanks. Country-time Lemonade is tasty but is it really worth the sugar and all those extra empty calories?

Instead, offer to bring a pitcher of refreshing infused waters as your contribution to the potluck.

Take notice of hunger cues

Potlucks are fun and the food is delicious. Put some cookies in front of me and believe you me, they will make it to my plate. My favorite trick for summer parties is to eat before I go. Nothing huge, but just enough to curb my hunger.

As I am enjoying the party, I am better equipped to notice – am I really hungry or is the proximity of the treats causing my hunger? More often than not, I am not hungry.

One of the great ways to eat clean socially this summer is to notice our hunger cues.

  • Ask yourself if you are actually hungry. Drink 1-2 glasses of water before a meal; it will stop you from overeating.
  • Give your body time to take in the food. Don’t eat fast, enjoy your meal. People who eat at a moderate pace tend to feel full before those who eat fast.

Focus more on having fun

What is the purpose of these gatherings? Holidays or any other events are for enjoying the company of family and friends. BAM.

Focus on that. Focus on having a great time. Focus on celebrating the relationships with those around you, catching up, good conversation, connections. THAT’S what a party is truly all about – the RELATIONSHIPS and celebrating people.

If you look forward to having a great time, you will be more cheerful, more energetic and that will help you both physically and emotionally.

These 4 strategies will help you to stay on track this summer. Accept that invite. Get out there. Have fun. You can keep and maintain your health goals, and you’re worth it!

To Your Health,


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