Congratulations, you’ve made it through your sugar detox and are on your way to a lifetime of eating healthy, wholesome foods! A lot of your sugar cravings are gone, but it’s easy to fall back into old behavior patterns and get yourself in hot water when it comes to sugar (I say this from experience!).

Let’s talk about what you can do to deal with temptation in the weeks, months, and years to come. Yes, there will always be sugary treats around. They’ll be offered to you and you may even grab a bite or a sip out of habit. What you need are a few tools to help you get through those times without going on a sugar binge.

Expect The Temptation

The first key is to not let down your guard. Temptation is all around us from that box of donuts left in in the breakroom to the offered piece of homemade pie. While you can keep it out of your house, be mentally prepared for temptation at work, when you go out to eat, and particularly when you’re at someone else’s house.

Don’t Head Out Hungry

Believe me, it’s much easier to turn down that donut at the office meeting if you’ve already had a couple of eggs for breakfast. When you’re already hungry, your willpower may slip.

Carry An Emergency Snack

For those cases when you do find yourself hungry and tempted, carry an emergency snack in your purse, car, or briefcase. Make some homemade HEALTHY trail mix, or just grab a piece of fruit to take with you. A bottle of water to go along with your snack is also a good idea. Think back on your scouting days and be prepared.

Forgive Yourself And Vow To Do Better

No matter how well you prepare yourself and how strong your willpower is, chances are you’ll slip up here and there. It happens. Maybe you’re grabbing a cookie without thinking and don’t realize that you’re eating sugar until it’s almost gone. Or maybe there simply isn’t a polite way to turn down your grandma’s homemade banana pudding that she made just for you because she knew you were visiting. There will be slip-ups and there will be times when quite frankly it is worth the cheat. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Forgive yourself and get right back in the saddle.

It’s a Lifestyle

A little sugar here and there won’t kill you. It’s the 160 lbs+ per year that does. Don’t use that as an excuse to slip back into old habits. Use it as an excuse to forgive yourself, move on, and eat well the rest of the time. If you haven’t already, you can grab Kick Your Sugar Cravings To The Curb, my proven tips and strategies download that will help you on your clean eating lifestyle journey!

Looking for a delicious snack to satisfy your sweet tooth? Look no further than these decadent chocolate hazelnut truffles. The best part? Dates and a touch of maple syrup add just enough sweetness without adding any refined sugar.

[RECIPE] Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles
Prep time: 25 minutes
Yield: 15-18 truffles


  • ½ c. raw hazelnuts
  • 12 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 2 T. cocoa powder, unsweetened
  • 2 T. coconut flour
  • 1 T. coconut oil, melted
  • 1½ T. pure maple syrup
  • 1 t. pure vanilla extract
  • ¼ t. coarse salt

Optional Coatings:

  • ¼ c. hazelnuts or almonds, ground
  • ¼ c. coconut flakes, finely shredded
  • 2 T unsweetened cocoa powder + ¼ t. cayenne pepper + ¼ t. coarse salt


  1. Place pitted dates in a small bowl filled with warm water. Set aside to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Line a rimmed baking sheet with wax paper and set aside. Pour each selected coating, if using, onto a separate shallow, rimmed plate and set aside.
  3. Add hazelnuts to a food processor and process until finely ground.
  4. Remove the softened dates from bowl and drain off any excess water. Add dates and cocoa powder to food processor and blend until smooth, approximately 3-4 minutes. Scrape the sides, as necessary, to ensure mixture is thoroughly combined.
    ***Tip: Add a few drops of water at a time, if necessary, to achieve a smooth consistency, but don’t add too much.
  5. Add coconut flour, coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and salt to the mixture and process until combined.
  6. Remove the dough from the food processor and divide into 15-18 equal-sized portions. Roll each section of dough into a ball before rolling in the selected coatings.
  7. Once coated, place on prepared baking tray and place in the refrigerator to chill for several minutes before serving. Enjoy!

To Your Health,


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