Now that the first leg of the holidays is behind us, it may be a good time to stop and do a little post-holiday-get-together evaluation. Did you find an even balance between time for yourself and others? What about your personal health goals? For a lot of us, it gets tough when a whole slew of things come our way. Time slips away from us and our own goals that we hold near and dear fall by the wayside. Time to plan.

This last week of November is the perfect time to sit and enjoy the calm before the Christmas storm but to also reconsider what’s coming down the pike in regards to our health goals and time management.

Create A Time Estimate

With the craziness of traveling, visiting and hosting family events, time may not always be on our side. But we can’t lose sight of our goals! Grab a pen and some paper, or even your nearest puppy themed calendar and start writing in some goals. They could be “one hour of exercise today” or “tea today instead of soda”, but seeing these goals visually will remind you to stay on top of them! This will also push you to actually follow through with the goals, no matter what’s going on that particular day.

No Time? Make Some!

Compromise will be your best friend here. Depending what needs to be accomplished on the daily, consider devoting the first hour of the day solely to you. This golden hour could be spent wrapping your head around the tasks at hand, or even throwing on those leggings and hitting the ground walking. There really is nothing more serene than a rising sun stroll. It revitalizes both your spirit and body. Who needs coffee??

Drawbacks Don’t Define You

It’s a unique time of the year and you may be dedicating most of your time to loved ones or just end up getting caught in the hubbub of all things traveling and running around. And there may be some days when your health goals take a minor blow. Understand that it is OKAY. You are only human and life happens too! Like I said, it’s a unique time of the year and there’s no right answer to balancing your own goals while making time for everything else during this season! Accept the reality that your health and wellness goals may need some shifting and tweaking, or consider a few sacrifices in the coming weeks.

You know yourself better than anyone. Ask yourself what you can accept and what are your non-negotiables when it comes to you and your health. Don’t stop kicking butt!

If you are interested in further learning about some time management tips, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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