Vitamin A is an important, fat-soluble vitamin that plays a major role in maintaining vision, body growth, immune function, and reproductive health. It supports cell growth and differentiation, playing a critical role in the normal formation and maintenance of the heart, lungs, eyes, and other organs.

It comes in two forms: retinol, which is mostly found in animal products, and provitamin A (also called beta-carotene) found in red, yellow, and some green fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient as your body cannot produce it without outside sources – the food you eat. It is also available in supplement form, but it is best absorbed with dietary sources containing fats.

Here are some healthy foods that are high in vitamin A.

Beef Liver

Animal livers are high in protein and are among the richest sources of vitamin A outside of supplements. A single three-ounce serving of cooked liver contains more than 700% of your daily requirement, which is why some sources recommend eating liver no more than once a week. I also recommend to eat only liver from pasture-raised/grass-fed animals.

Cod liver oil

Fish livers and oils are also great sources of preformed vitamin A. They are also among the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help protect the heart and fight inflammation.


Oily fish such as salmon are high in vitamin A and full of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish contain healthy unsaturated fats as opposed to the less healthy saturated fats found in meats. Salmon should be a staple food in everyone’s diet to ensure healthy hearts and brains.


There’s a reason why carrots became known as veggies that are good for your eyesight. Carrots are rich in beta carotene and are also rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent constipation and promote better gut health.


Cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli, are another healthy source of vitamin A. Furthermore, they are extremely versatile in the kitchen. You can roast, steam, or fry broccoli, enjoy them in soups, or even add them to salads. 


Serves: 2

Ingredients (use organic where possible):

  • 1 bunch broccoli
  • 1 lemon, cut in half
  • Sea salt and black pepper, to taste


  1. Cut the broccoli into florets.
  2. Place a steamer basket into a medium-sized pot over medium heat.
  3. Add the broccoli to the steamer basket. Cover the pot. Steam the broccoli for about 5 minutes until the broccoli is bright green and tender.
  4. Remove the broccoli from the basket and place it in a serving bowl.
  5. Season with lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

 To Your Health,


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