Raw, organic honey has a long list of health benefits and can work well as a sugar alternative. You might love honey because of the sweet taste, adding it to your coffee, tea, or biscuits, but there is more to it than its wonderful sweet taste and texture! Read on to find out more, but I want you to keep in mind that honey does contain natural sugar and if you are triggered by sugar (cravings, wanting to eat more, etc.), you may want to avoid it.

Honey is excellent to keep year-round in the pantry. You want to choose raw and unfiltered, without all the added preservatives and sugar (yes, sometimes there is added sugar! Why? I have no IDEA). Locally sourced raw honey is preferred, as it contains pollen native to your particular area and may help with environmental allergies.

You Get Plenty of Antioxidants

One thing you might not know is that honey can provide a healthy dose of antioxidants. This is especially important during the fall season, as this is often when people begin experiencing illnesses like the cold or flu. The antioxidants in raw honey can help provide natural protection and boost the immune system. It is best to find a farmers market and buy your honey there…they are sure to have raw, locally sourced honey.

It Helps With Digestive Problems

Are you someone that deals with digestive issues? If so, you will be glad you found honey! The healing properties of raw honey are there to help with things like diarrhea and constipation to peptic ulcers. With peptic ulcers, you need about 2 tablespoons of raw honey per day to help with the pain. The good news is that honey is very easy to add to your food or drinks, such as tea or coffee, and breakfast baked goods. Of course, it is best to get to the root cause of your digestive issues. Click here to find out more about how balanced gut health will help.

You Can Get Allergy Relief

During the fall and spring seasons, allergies tend to run rampant. Honey can help with the various triggers of fall and springtime allergies. It is not necessarily a cure for your seasonal allergies, but it can help with some of the side effects you get from your allergies. For example, honey is excellent for easing a sore throat – try some warm tea with honey and lemon, it can be very soothing to those irritated tissues temporarily. Many people have also found honey to be great for congestion as well. Again, gut health is key to get to the root cause!

It is Antibacterial and Antifungal

Speaking of bacteria and germs, raw, natural honey has properties that make it antibacterial, thanks to the bees contributing enzymes to the honey. It also works as a natural anti-fungal remedy. If you are putting together a natural first aid kit, honey should always be included.

When you want something that is filling but without added sugar, you can use raw honey to sweeten up your drink or on some healthy multi-grain toast in the morning instead of turning to sugar-filled jam. Not only will you feel great about the choice you made but the health benefits of honey will have your body thanking you!

The standout “star” in this flavorful fruit salad is the addition of Cotton Candy® grapes. This newer, super sweet variety delivers a very distinctive flavor worthy of its memory-invoking name. For the best presentation, do not add the strawberries to the salad until right before serving. Otherwise, the lighter-colored fruits will absorb their bright red color. To prevent browning, slice and add kiwi to the bowl right before serving, as well.

Note: Cotton Candy® grapes are not genetically modified food. Instead, their wonderful taste is the result of selective natural cross-breeding practices conducted over many years.

[RECIPE] Fresh Fruit Salad with Honey-Yogurt Dip
Serves 6


Yogurt Dip:

  • 1 c. plain, full-fat Greek yogurt
  • 2 T. honey
  • 1 t. ground cinnamon


Fruit Salad:

  • 1 c. seedless green grapes,* washed and halved
  • 1 c. fresh pineapple, cut into chunks
  • 1 large ripe mango, peeled and cut into chunks
  • ¼ c. fresh pineapple juice
  • Zest of 1 organic lime**
  • 2 T. fresh lime juice
  • 2T. fresh mint, finely chopped
  • Optional: 1 T. honey
  • 1 c. fresh strawberries, hulled and cut into chunks 
  • 2 large fresh kiwi, peeled, halved, and sliced

*If possible, use Cotton Candy® green grapes
**zest lime before juicing


  1. Prepare yogurt dip by combining all ingredients in a medium bowl. Cover and place in refrigerator until ready to use.
  2. To assemble fruit salad, combine prepared grapes, pineapple, and mango in a large glass or another non-reactive bowl. Add pineapple juice, lime zest and juice, and mint to bowl and toss to combine. For additional sweetness, drizzle mixture with honey and gently stir to combine, if desired.
  3. Chill fruit mixture in the refrigerator for at least one hour. Place prepared strawberries in a separate container to chill at the same time.
  4. Once chilled, remove fruit salad and strawberries from the refrigerator and add strawberries and freshly sliced kiwi to the bowl. Gently stir to combine and serve immediately with honey-yogurt dip. Enjoy!

To Your Health,


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