When it comes to your ever-changing health goals, I don’t think there’s a single day when I’m not looking for ways to get you ahead of the curve. I love collaborating with you to build a solid plan for dietary success. That being said, this week is all about something that I personally am trying to do better with: growing some of my own produce (quite a feat for an apartment-dweller!)

By now, it’s no secret that your daily dose of produce is the heart and soul of any health plan. Most of us rely on fruits and veggies from either the local grocery store or even the weekend farmers market. But news flash! You can get the most bang for your buck by growing right at home. Whether you have a full backyard for digging or a few tomato plants in pots, there is something here for everyone. If you’ve got the space (or even if you have just a little), there are tons of crazy good things about starting your own growing journey.

The Eats

First off, your DIY garden is grown on your own terms, you’re not at the mercy of big companies pumping out produce at the grocery store. That means you get to decide how it’s grown. No chemicals, no preservatives, zip. And once your babies are fully ripe and ready, they taste that much better! Fully organic never felt so yummy.

Food Waste Be Gone

Most of us do what we can to minimize waste, whether that be dietary or compost. Growing your own produce cuts down on packaging and waste that would otherwise come from buying produce in-store. While tackling the health game, you’re thriving on living green and clean! It’s amazing how many aspects of life improve around you with this simple venture.

You grow it, you sow it, you throw it.

Outdoor Exercise

Okay, so you’re on the right track diet-wise and you’re crushing it with that reduction of trash and waste, and we’re not done yet!

Each and every one of us know our limits when it comes to getting active, but spending even a little time outside tending your garden does a lot more than you think. The digging, watering, and weeding takes a little toll, burning up to about 300 calories in an hour. Physically and psychological the tasks keep you focused while fitting in a little activity along the way. It’s very therapeutic!

Doing a little gardening has a ton of benefits, but it just feels good too! There’s something about growing something out of nothing and feeling accomplished with the final, tasty results. So get out there, start a little patch, and come at your health goals in a whole and fresh new way!

Start Simple

Don’t know where to begin? Start simple with one cherry tomato plant in a pot. Make sure it’s organic and the soil is organic. Another vegetable that is pretty easy to grow is zucchini squash (or pretty much any squash). It’s easier to start with a seedling rather than a seed, but both will work. Just follow the instructions and make sure your pot or patch has adequate sun and water. You’ll be a pro in no time!

If you have any questions about getting your little produce patch started, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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