One of the biggest ways to get on the right track of healthy eating is to embrace the notion that fruits and vegetables will be your MVP. And when you think of fruits? Apples, bananas, and grapes. Veggies? Carrots, corn, and green beans. All good ones, no doubt about it.

But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to stay stuck in the same old choices you’ve been buying since you shopped for yourself. No matter which grocery store you’re chugging through, there are a few overlooked and UNDERRATED little treasures to be found in the produce section.


No matter how you say it or slice it, these little tomato cousins are packed with flavor, provided you cook the little babies! They provide a more full flavor experience than tomatoes and bring an excellent boost of Vitamin C to your diet.

Taming The Dragon Fruit

Not your traditional sounding bounty, but dragon fruits don’t mess around, inside or out! With a quirky spiky purple and green outer skin, the beautiful sheer white speckled center is the heart of this health beast. Packed with antioxidants, carotene, and proteins, you’ll be glad you tossed this fitness monster into your cart!

“Sea” What I “Bean”?

Cringy puns aside, let’s talk sea beans! Sorry to disappoint, but sea beans don’t come directly from the ocean. BUT they’ve got a glorious natural saltiness about them that gives a hint of the tropics. This natural taste eliminates the addition of extra salt or other high sodium ingredients to whatever dish you’re preparing.

Meyer Lemon To Your Aid

Easy for pealing and grating and low in actual acidity, you can kiss those old dusty lemons goodbye (pucker up!). The golden orange beauties are brimming with Vitamin C and a simple squeeze on your desserts or salads brings a sweeter, less tart flavor to your meal.

Really the possibilities are endless with produce. Get excited! Trying new things is the key to success opening your mind to the endless possibility of change.

If you’re interested in further learning specifics in the world of produce, leave a comment below or even book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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