If you have been struggling with digestion problems, know that there are certain foods that help digestion, and others that can hinder it. Here are some of the best foods for digestion:
Yogurt can be a great addition to your regular diet rotation IF you are not sensitive to dairy. The yogurt should be organic, grass-fed and plain. The flavored yogurts are way too high in sugar and other additives. It’s much better to buy the plain and add your own fruit or berries.
Yogurt can be an excellent way to improve your digestion, but only if it contains healthy bacteria. Be on the lookout for yogurt that contains “live and active cultures,” (look for that on the package). Those cultures (or probiotics) are what truly help the digestive tract. If you are sensitive to dairy, probiotic supplements are the way to go. I love these.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a superfood and also happen to be really good for your digestion. These seeds are a superfood because of how many nutrients they contain. They contain a high amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also have omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, both of which are great for improving your digestion and helping things move more smoothly.
The nutrients in chia seeds can also help with regulating bowel function, reducing inflammation in your body, and lowering your cholesterol. All you need are a couple tablespoons of the seeds each day. Add them to smoothies, yogurt, or topping on salads.
Lean Protein
Don’t forget about lean protein, including poultry and fish. Poultry should be pasture-raised and fish should be wild caught. These foods contain vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids, without increasing sugar and other ingredients you don’t need. Lean protein can be easier to digest than red meat, so choosing something like salmon or chicken is a much better option for your gut health than steak.
Organic, grass-fed beef is higher in omega-3 fatty acids and has many nutrients also, so once your digestive tract heals, I recommend adding it back to your diet.
If you are looking for fruit that is going to help with your digestion, go for bananas or apples. Bananas are packed with nutrients, and very easy to tolerate. They are easy on the stomach and often one of a few foods recommended after the flu when you begin eating solid food again. Keep in mind that bananas are higher in sugar than most foods, so I would recommend eating no more than a half a banana a day.
Apples are also great for reducing inflammation in the colon and contain less sugar.
Want more guidance for digestion help? The Winter Clean Eating Reset will do just that and more! Check it out HERE. Aren’t you worth it?
To Your Health,