Eating the right foods is key to prevent dementia and help the brain stay healthy. While taking in healthy foods, it’s also important to drink clean water. Hydration is a chief contributor to brain health. Water does more than hydrate, it makes the brain work right and provides an avenue for toxins to leave the brain.

Water is the vehicle the brain uses to deliver nutrients and to remove toxins. That means water needs to be plentiful and consistently flowing to and from the brain. Your brain is technically about 75% water; when it is well-hydrated the brain can focus, think clearly, and operate optimally.

How to Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated throughout the day helps the brain best. Finding ways to keep hydrated prevents slumps in thinking and energy. Some typical ways to stay hydrated are:

  • Keep reusable water bottles handy in the car and at work
  • Use a water app to remind you to hydrate throughout the day – most people think they drink WAY more than they actually do
  • Drink water before every meal snack rather than soda or other beverages (you can drink just enough while eating to help you swallow the food if needed, but if you are including lots of water content food, you should not need to drink a large amount of water while eating. We don’t want to dilute the digestive juices)
  • Make sipping water throughout the day a part of your routine to avoid having to run to the bathroom too often

Everybody is different. The amount of water you need is determined by height, weight, level of activity, and other factors. You can also tell a lot about your hydration when you go to the bathroom. Urine should be light yellow and have no odor when you are hydrated. 

Did you know?

There’s such a thing as too much water. Drinking excessive amounts of water can actually cause harm including lowering blood pressure to dangerous levels. Make sure that your water intake is counterbalanced by consuming enough salt to avoid an electrolyte imbalance. I usually recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of water up to 100 ounces a day unless you work out very hard and/or sweat a lot during the day – then more is okay.

Plain Water or Flavored?

Some people don’t like the taste of plain water. That’s ok, there are plenty of ways to enhance your water and make it more palatable. Try one of these on for size:

  • Infuse your water with fruits or veggies to give them a hint of taste
  • Try adding an essential oil to your water to boost the flavor and add other benefits
  • If you want bold flavor, consider adding a sugar-free (not sweetened with artificial chemicals) flavoring packet to give your H2O a kick

If you have trouble drinking enough water in a day, try eating some! Foods with high water content can give you extra servings of water and fruits and veggies.  Here are a few you can add to your list:

  • Cucumbers
  • Strawberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Lettuce

Water is just as important for your brain’s health as food. Drinking enough water or consuming foods with high water content will help keep the brain hydrated and healthy. Combining healthy foods with plenty of water is a one-two punch that knocks out brain diseases and keeps your mind sharp.


Lemon Cucumber Infused Water
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/4 cucumber
  • Ice
  • Water


  1. Slice the lemon very thinly and set aside.
  2. Slice the cucumber very thinly and set aside.
  3. Place the sliced lemon and cucumber into a jug and fill with clean water.
  4. Serve over ice.

To Your Health,

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