Welcome to one of my favorite times of the year. Spring has sprung, ladies and gents! There is a whole new feeling in the air – a fresher time full of growth and positive change. The same can be said for your health plan. There’s no better time than today to say “Peace out” to the stuff weighing you down – give it a good spring clean! And that starts with your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator.

Out With The Old

Check the pantry. Open cupboards. Peek into that freezer. The first step to purging is to take inventory. Some items can go unnoticed for months, losing their appeal (can you say “Freezer burn?” Yuck!). Even more important than that, you might have guessed that since you started down your healthy path, some of this stuff doesn’t quite match up to your standards. If you’re still surrounded by what weighs you down, how the heck are you going to improve? Kick the junk to the curb!

Hint: set the timer for 15 minutes and attack your pantry, freezer or refrigerator. You can do anything for 15 minutes. Step one: completed.

In With The New

Okay, so you’ve starting nixing the bad. The next step is more of a process with a little more time and investment. It’s easy to throw a bunch of stuff away; working from the ground up is another story. Considering expenses and budget, start small.

Stock up on healthy, natural sugars like dates and raw honey (I also suggest a good Stevia product without any added sugar in it – especially if you want to avoid all sugars).

Add plenty of sneaky, HEALTHY snack options (to be accompanied by fresh veggies and/or a piece of fruit, of course) like raw nuts, plantain and/or kale chips, dark chocolate with high cacao content and low sugar (5 grams or less). All yummy, none too heavy! Step two: done.

Keep Up The Upkeep

You’re on the right track, now comes the real challenge: keeping the momentum! It’s easy to embrace the initial cleanse of danger foods, but making sure you’re actively seeking healthy alternatives is what will make the difference.

Don’t forget your pantry must-haves – the coconut oil, the olive oil, almond flour, raw apple cider vinegar, kalamata olives, canned wild-caught salmon and other simple additions that are best alternatives possible that work for you! Make a grocery list with healthy staples already listed and room to add more. Here’s an editable PDF template that you can use.

It’s a process, but as you know, nothing good comes instantaneously, and you are so WORTH IT. You’re becoming a master at kicking goal butt, so one more triumph is 100% in sight!. Maintaining a clean grocery supply keeps you in the green and on your way to some really big changes.

If you are interested in further learning about a little spring cleaning, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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