Can you lose weight on a clean eating lifestyle? Absolutely. Switching to a clean lifestyle that consists of real food, plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meat and whole grains will put you on the right track to a healthy weight. But there are a few things you can do from day one to ensure your weight loss success.

Watch The Sweeteners

Clean eating cuts out all white processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Natural sweeteners like honey, stevia and maple syrup typically are allowed. While they are fine to use in moderation, be careful about not going overboard. Replacing your sugary treats with “clean” versions that contain just as many natural sugars won’t help you lose the weight and isn’t good for your blood sugar. I personally recommend using stevia if you have a bit of a sweet tooth or need to sweeten a recipe.

Reduce the Carbs

One of the best ways to lose excess weight is to curb carbohydrate consumption. Fill your plate with low carb, non-starchy vegetables, add a few berries and go easy on the potatoes.

Tracking carbohydrate consumption for a few days can help you get a feel for which foods are high in carbs and how lowering your carbohydrate intake makes you feel.

Protein and Healthy Fats To Stay Full

With sugars and carbs out of the way, what should you eat? After all, a big salad will only satisfy you for so long. Make it up with plenty of clean, lean protein and healthy fats. Both take a longer time to digest and will help you stay full.

A clean eating lifestyle is not meant to be restrictive. Include things like chicken, organic cottage cheese, organic Greek Yogurt, ground turkey, etc. with each meal or snack. Nuts are another great option full of healthy fats. Be careful of portion sizes though. The same holds true for healthy fats like cold-pressed olive oil or avocados.

Water, Water, and More Water

Often we think we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water first. Not only will it fill you up with zero calories, staying well-hydrated also makes it easier for your body to process body fat into energy.

Move Around More

Eating the right type of food in appropriate portions will make a huge difference when it comes to your weight. But so will moving around. We’re not talking about heading to the gym each day or going for a 5-mile run. While those are great options, even moving around just a little more can have a positive impact.

Go for a short walk after dinner, park a little further away at the mall or dance around the kitchen to your favorite music. Not only will this burn extra calories, it also puts you in a better mood and kicks your metabolism into high gear.

To Your Health,

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