It’s the morning. Aka it’s time for your morning java. You head to the kitchen and brew some fresh brew. A little sugar, a little cream.. maybe a little more sugar? By the time your thermos is filled and capped, you could be relying more on the sugar rush to fuel you versus the natural properties that caffeine brings.

When you strip away the flavors and additives, caffeine has the potential to be very beneficial if taken in SMALL doses. This natural stimulant boosts alertness and cognitive thinking. But when you cake on the flavoring and sugar-packed packets, things get too out of hand.

And I get it. Black coffee is a no-go for most of us with some taste buds left. So I’m here to pull the plug on your BrewMaster3000 and show you some trickier ways to get your morning buzz. 

Green Tea Leaves

Let’s throw out an easy one. Tea leaves provide the natural buzz and are super simple to find and brew at home, or at the local cafe. Granted, you have to be cautious about slipping into the sugar trap, so unsweetened is your best bet if ordering at the drive-thru.

Yerba Maté

This secret little herb packs quite a punch. With the healthiness of tea leaves mixed with the rich flavors of chocolate, you’re getting more mocha naturally! Found in the rainforest, these leaves are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, putting you a step ahead, all before 9:00 AM!

Guarana Berries

Plucked straight from the Amazon, the funny looking berries are there for you in more ways than just a buzz. Guarana berries have been known to boost metabolism while also pushing your brain activity to peak performance. When brewed and made into a tea, they’re that fresh feistiness you’ve been searching for when coffee just isn’t enough!

As a hard-working kicker of butt, it doesn’t have to be the same humdrum of coffee and more coffee. You deserve better options with a little more “oomf” to them! Of course, if you HAVE to have the java, try it with coconut or almond milk and some flavored stevia. No sugar, no dairy – but still tasty.

No matter what you do with your goals, never settle for less; do everything you can to improve where you’re at. If that means a little tastier brew at the crack of dawn, go for it.

If you’re interested in bigger and better caffeine choices, leave a comment below or even book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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