After weeks of digging deep into the crazy rollercoaster on which sugar takes our bodies, it’s time to look inward at the sugar already inside. Blood sugar is one of those overlooked and underrated health pieces. It gives us a little picture of what’s going on inside and whether we’re eating the right kinds of foods to keep the blood to sugar ratio in check!

Too much sugar = no good outcomes. Not enough sugar = yep, still not good.

We’ll look at a few food superheroines that should be in your dream diet on the daily (whoa, say all that five times fast!).

Lean Green, Fighting Machine

Remember when you were younger and anything green on your plate was just not happening? My, how the tables have turned. Here’s an excellent rule to live by: half your plate should have consists of veggies and the greener the better! Broccoli, spinach, peas, and asparagus are all stuffed with calcium and fiber benefits and do fantastic work of leveling out your blood sugar.

Protein With A Side Of Protein

This one should be easy peasy as you can get your daily dose almost anywhere! From nuts to eggs and meat to fish, any and all protein cut down that pesky blood sugar in a snap.

*Take care not to overindulge; a good rule of thumb is a palm-sized amount, and be sure to pick some unsalted options here.

Bean There, Yum That

It’s crazy to think that something so tiny can be so mighty. Most types of beans are packed with fiber, low in fats, and (you guessed it) help your blood sugar chill the heck out! A helpful tip I’ve picked up – plan your bean meal ahead! Soak the beans overnight to aid in the digestion process.

Avoid and Conquer

Let’s talk about one of my favorite foods, and probably yours too. And that food is noodles. I could go on for days about my love for any and all pasta! But the things we love most can sometimes be the worst thing for us. Regular kinds of pasta and even most bread exacerbate your blood sugar levels. That simply cannot do! Solution: your new best friend is a minimum amount of whole grains. You can still have that pasta, but instead of the traditional noodles, try spiralized zucchini noodle. Also known as zoodles, these are an upgrade we can all get behind.

These little reminders mixed with some regular exercise and stress management will keep your blood sugar at the perfect level. What’s important to understand is unless you have a major blood sugar balance issue, there are ways to balance your blood sugar levels while still being able to enjoy your favorite treats occasionally. It’s all about moderation! There’s no perfect formula or recipe, but staying on top of your blood sugar through diet and regular visits to the doctor will keep you healthy and happy. Now, where’s the spaghetti?

If you are interested in further learning about your blood sugar and diet, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,




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