If you have digestive issues, skin problems, autoimmune or overall health and diet issues, you may have come to the realization that it could be affected by the amount of dairy you consume. If you’re curious to learn more, here are a few benefits of giving up dairy.
Improved Digestive Health
Giving up dairy was responsible for one of the biggest changes in my health. Dairy wreaked havoc on my gut and overall health for years until I figured out that it could be more harmful than helpful to me. Since I eliminated it, no more bloating, no more gas and my inflammation significantly reduced.
95% of your serotonin (the happy hormone) is manufactured in your digestive system.
80% of your immune system resides in your digestive system.
Start adding a good quality probiotic to your daily routine. Incorporating cultured foods and drinks to your life, such as non-dairy yogurt, miso, non-dairy kefir, cultured vegetables, and other cultured foods are a great way to improve digestion and overall health.
It Reduces Stress on Your Body
Researchers have linked milk to different forms of oxidative stress on tissues of the body. These minor issues won’t be a problem right away, but they can slowly erode your general health by laying the ground for the possibility of disease (raw milk from 100% grass-fed cows can be different). Inflammation can cause flare-ups of chronic diseases, like Crohn’s. Acidity and other pH issues can also cause inflammation that can even damage the DNA in cells, which can result in cancer.
Your Skin Might Clear Up
A lot of people have low-level allergies to certain foods, and milk is among the most common food items to trigger such a muted response in people. Many people experience some form of dairy intolerance and shrug it off due to the benign nature of the symptoms.
Few recognize that gas and bloating are signals that tell you something in your digestive process isn’t functioning properly, but some allergies can be confused for normal things like acne. For some, the presence of dairy can cause their skin to clog with excess toxin-storying fats that make you a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of acid-producing bacteria. Cutting back or eliminating milk can reduce much of the blemishes and allow your body to deal with fats more efficiently.
- 2 cups warm or room temperature water
- Juice from 1 lemon
- 1 Tablespoon Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar
- Pinch of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon raw honey OR a couple of drops of stevia
Mix together in a tall glass and enjoy.
To Your Health,