Avoid Dietary Doomsday: Be a Meal Prepper

Show of hands, who here is suffering from post Labor Day overindulging? It’s tough, with the constant flow of sugary (but life-changing) mimosas and endless brats on the grill. With summer coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to kick those impulsive eating habits and get back on track with a more consistent routine! Here are a few tips on how to stay on target with your daily meals.

Keep Calm and Meal Prep

Meal prepping is the most under-appreciated super weapon in your dietary arsenal. When you plan your meals the night before, you’ve locked in the amounts and portions you’ll be having that next day. This allows you to avoid that secret, side-bar snacking throughout the day. Meal prepping also makes you think consciously about what you’ll actually be eating, rather than choose something super sugary the next day based on impulse or time crunch.


Kiss The Batch Cook!

This little trick has been any restaurant’s biggest secret since the dawn of time. Batch cooking is the art of preparing a lot of specific foods, then storing the extra for future use. This allows you to visibly see and measure your portions for each meal you’re preparing. This technique is amazing for not just you and your daily dining, but also for your family come dinner time! All you have to do is dive into your fridge or freezer and dinner is practically served.

“Spice Up Your Life”

Who said water had to be just water? BOR-RING. Zest up your daily water intake by adding different slices of fruits like apples or cucumbers.

If you’re feeling extra adventurous, try adding a little apple cider vinegar with lemon. That little concoction is crazy beneficial for your health, helping with weight loss, blood sugar levels, and diabetes prevention, to name a few!

Don’t Cut Out the “Cookies” Altogether

Your body needs “a little sugar in its coffee”, and so do you. That’s okay! It’s unrealistic to completely give up everything sweet altogether. Best practice? Read the labels. Be conscious about how many calories and how much sugar is in that innocent looking muffin or that protein bar. This will ultimately give you control over your health habits and goals. If you must sweeten your coffee, use Stevia as an alternative. Last week, I talked all about Stevia. Did you miss it? Catch it here.

What To Do When Push Comes To Shove

It could be at weekly brunch, or at a Saturday tailgate, but there will be days where your meal prepping and calorie conscious mind will be useless when faced with an endless buffet of sugar-packed options. Don’t panic!

There’s usually something for everyone’s dietary lifestyle, no matter what the setting. And if not, remember it’s all about portion control, aka passing on that sweet tea and sticking to your super juice of apple vinegar and lemon! Best of all, if you are heading to a gathering, bring a dish that you love, so if there aren’t any healthy options available, you can at least eat what you brought. People might wonder why you aren’t sharing, but let them. HAHA!

If you are interested in further staying on track with your meals, leave a comment below or book a free consult with me HERE!

To your health,


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