How is your digestive health? That is a question that isn’t always the easiest to answer for most people. Digestive health is a specific part of your health that includes how well you digest your food without disturbance, and how well you absorb the nutrients in the food that you’ve eaten. When you look at that process closely, you can see that it plays a massive role in your overall health. That is why it should come as little surprise that digestive health is more than just how hungry you are, and whether or not you had enough brussels sprouts.


When this affliction is manifesting for the first time, it can be a relatively upsetting affair. There are few experiences that are as immensely upsetting as reaching back to clean yourself, only to see a handful of blood-soaked toilet paper. While this image is certainly shocking, this is often the first sign of hemorrhoids, which are extremely inflamed veins in the rectum and around the anus. It can be very painful and can result from poor hydration, constipation, autoimmune disease, and a host of other illnesses. Fortunately, there are a large number of safe treatments that you can use to help lessen the discomfort. Getting lots of proper hydration, eating more fiber, and probiotics can go a long way to helping reduce inflammation.

Celiac Disease

In the last decade or so, gluten sensitivity has become an intensely debated topic. Today a lot of controversies still surround discussions about celiac disease. Much of this is due to the massive amounts of marketing around heavy usage of the term, gluten-free. Celiac disease is a serious condition that is characterized by an intense sensitivity to gluten that causes the body to destroy villi in your intestines, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients from the food you eat, allowing you to stay alive. Many people are happy with gluten-free alternatives, so it isn’t the end of all bread (although even gluten-free grains can be quite inflammatory so I recommend keeping intake low).

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is the persistent action of stomach acid traveling up the esophagus. This condition affects a large portion of adults in the world and can be caused by a wide range of disturbances from emotional issues to physical issues. It is linked heavily to obesity, but it can be treated using various means including dietary restrictions, dietary additions, and supplements to get to the root of the problem.


Makes 2 servings

  • 2 cups frozen blackberries
  • 2 tablespoons water or dairy-free milk
  • 2 tablespoons honey, optional

Place frozen berries in a high-speed blender and let it defrost for 10 minutes. Next, add water or milk, and honey. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately. If the sorbet is too soft, place sorbet in a container and place it in the freezer. Mix occasionally to prevent crystals from forming.

To Your Health,

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