There’s been a lot of talk about how bad sugar is for your health and that you should go through a sugar detox. But are you ready for it? If you’re consuming quite a bit of sugar each day (and who isn’t?), this may not be easy. Sugar was my addiction and was making me sick. Keep reading to make sure you know what you’re in for, so you’ll be prepared. That alone will help you tough it out and make it through your sugar detox days.

It Takes Willpower

It’s going to take some willpower to make it through a sugar detox. Maybe even a lot. You’re going to want that can of soda or donut for breakfast sitting in the breakroom. Are you ready to not give in and make it through a few days of sugar cravings? NOTE: You won’t be perfect so don’t expect perfection. No judging or beating yourself up if you miss the mark – just get back in the groove and encourage yourself out loud, if needed. You’re worth it!

The key is to keep in mind that it will get easier as time goes by and that you’re doing this for an important reason – to improve your health, lose weight, look better, feel better and reduce your risk of developing Type II Diabetes. Keep reminding yourself that you can do this and that it will be worth it in the end. If you want it bad enough, you will find the willpower to make it through your sugar detox. Of course, keeping all sugary foods and treats out of the house will help with temptation as well. You can’t eat it if it’s not in the house.

It’s Not Going To Be Pleasant

This isn’t going to be easy and it isn’t going to be pleasant. In addition to craving your favorite sugary treats, you’ll likely experience headaches and possibly nausea, joint pain, and dizziness. Knowing this ahead of time will keep you from being shocked and surprised when these detox side effects start to pop up. Here’s the deal: you need to CELEBRATE if you have any detox symptoms like this because it means you are cleaning out, lowering inflammation, upping your immune system, and repairing your gut! YAY!

It helps to start your sugar detox on a Friday. You can have all weekend to detox. By the time Monday rolls around you should be through the worst of it. Just keep yourself busy or spend a good amount of time sleeping as you make it through to the other side. Drinking lots of water during these first few days will also lessen the symptoms.

The Side Effects Are Temporary And You’ll Come Out Of It Feeling MUCH BETTER

Speaking of that, keep reminding yourself that this is only temporary. Make yourself tough it out one more hour. Go watch a movie, call a friend or go for a walk. Distract yourself and before you know it the hour will be over. Keep it up hour by hour and you’ll get through your sugar detox before you know it. Remember that this is only a temporary feeling.  I promise that you’ll feel much better after a few hours. The health benefits of freeing yourself from your sugar addiction are well worth making it through the unpleasant side effects of a sugar detox. Click here for to get more of my free tips to kick your sugar cravings to the curb!

[RECIPE] Coconut Oatmeal with Hemp Seeds
Serves 2

1 cup rolled oats
1 ½ cup of water sea salt to taste
coconut milk to taste
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon hemp seeds

Add the rolled oats, water, and sea salt to a pot. Let it come to a boil, then turn down the heat. Stir until the oats are soft. Serve topped with coconut milk, cinnamon, and hemp seeds.

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