Meet Patti

Hi, I’m Coach Patti. Mother, fun-loving swing dancer, card-carrying food addict and avid clean eater. I am a board certified Holistic Nutritional Therapist and Certified Integrative Wellness Life Coach with a passion for feeling AMAZING! I help men and women examine and change their food behaviors by eating wholesome and unprocessed foods that are targeted to lose the weight, ditch those cravings and feel their BEST.

Let me ask you this, are you worthy of change for better health and vitality?
The answer is HECK YEAH!


At the young age of 11, sadly, I lost my mother. This was in 1970 when diagnosing Lymphoma wasn’t as prevalent as it is today. Losing her, I’m sure you can imagine, was tragic. Somehow, my little 11-year-old psyche decided I was going to do everything possible to “not get what my mom had.” Growing up without a mother did take a toll, unfortunately along with the emotional and psychological effects that came with the loss. Food became my way to escape reality.


As I grew up, I would binge on food, mostly sugar, and then take a few days to clean out my system by drinking tons of water and eating only “good” food. But, that’s not the end of the story – you guessed it: the cravings came back, and the cycle started all over again, and again, and again. When I was 29 years old, I was admitted to the hospital with what on the surface seemed to be a migraine headache – turns out it was a toxic “overdose” from eating too much chocolate. Was that my wake-up call? Sadly, no. It was a constant battle, and I honestly felt like I was losing my mind.


When I reached my 40s, I was no longer able to keep the weight off due to my excessive eating patterns. Thankfully, I found a program and finally received help for my overeating issues. My life CHANGED! Was this MY A-HA moment? ABSOLUTELY! I discovered the reality that “comfort” food was comforting for about 5 minutes – until the recriminations and guilt took over. Through hard work and exploration, I gradually faced the truth about my relationship with food and how it took precedence over my relationships. I finally put food in its rightful place, which was second fiddle to the relationships in my life. Over a period of 6 months, I lost the weight and felt pretty good for many years.


After five years and a traumatic life change event, I began to notice my energy flagging; my anxiety was increasing, and for the first time in my life I was starting to have digestive issues. I happened to stumble across a book called “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?” by Dr. Datis Kharrazian.  His book explained how he helped many people overcome their thyroid problems as well as other issues through healing the gut. I began to see one of the featured local holistic doctors in the book, and after extensive testing, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s hypothyroid disease, in addition to four other autoimmune issues, a parasite, and leaky gut. I was an absolute MESS! After the initial shock had worn off, I was overcome with a sense of relief. I finally had a definitive answer to my health challenges and was now ready to get to work.

Sometimes I run out of patience with the healing process, but I’ve had to realize that it didn’t take a month to end up with my health issues – it was a long slow process of eating inflammatory and unhealthy foods over time and it’s definitely going to take some time to reverse the processes. I am so thankful for holistic nutrition and its way of getting to the bottom of what’s happening.

I feel like I’ve been given hope for a bright future – despite the challenges. I love this quote from Hal Lindsey:


” Man can live for about forty days without food, and about three days without water, about eight minutes without air … but only for one second without hope.” 



My personal journey led me to Portland Community College’s CLIMB Institute for Health Professionals Nutritional Therapy Program, where I completed a year-long certification in holistic nutritional therapy. The principles of clean eating and detox that I’ve learned through my own health journey have sparked my life’s passion for helping you:


  • Prevent food cravings from overtaking your life
  • Lose weight as your body releases toxins that interfere with metabolism
  • Renew your energy
  • Ditch the belly bloat
  • Eradicate embarrassing gas and painful acid reflux

Are you ready to walk your path to a new healthier, energetic you, to be filled with life-giving vitality as you learn how to eat real, whole foods? My step-by-step programs will help you discover which foods fuel your body and which foods stop you from having the life you want and deserve.

Schedule a discovery session with me today by entering your information below and let me guide you on your path to health, renewed energy, and passion for life.

Let’s connect!

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