If you’re new to the idea of clean eating, the foods you need to buy on a clean diet are different from what you’ve probably been buying so far. So many of us are used to pantries, fridges, and freezers slammed full of processed convenience foods. Since those are off the menu, grocery shopping will become a very different experience. Here are a few tips to help make grocery shopping more manageable when you switch to a clean food diet.
Shop Local Or Grow Your Own Produce
When you eat clean, a big part of your diet will be made up of produce. The best way to get fruits and vegetables is to grow them yourself. You can go all out and plant a garden, or start small with a few herbs and a perpetual salad bowl on your counter. It’s amazing what you can grow in a pot in a sunny spot on your patio or balcony. Nothing beats “grocery shopping” in your own back yard. And it can e quite therapeutic to tend your garden!
The next best thing is to find locally grown produce. Visit your local farmer’s market. Get to know the farmers in your area. See if there’s someone in your neighborhood that gardens and is willing to barter or trade for fruits and vegetables. When you can find free or inexpensive produce locally, consider canning or freezing what you can’t use right away for later in the year.
Getting most of your produce this way will make it even quicker and easier when you head to the grocery store. I like to go to my farmer’s market first, purchase what they have that I need there, and then buy the rest at the store if needed.
Shop The Perimeter Of The Grocery Store
Much of what’s found in the center isles of your local grocer is “food” (and I use that term loosely) you’ll no longer be buying or eating. Shop mainly around the perimeter of the grocery store, sticking to produce, meat, dairy, and the frozen department (for fruits and vegetables that aren’t in season).
Stay out of the center isles to avoid temptation as much as possible. Grab the few items you need and head to the cash register. Don’t even look at the candy in the check-out line.
Go In With A Plan
It helps to go shopping with a list. It will keep you focused, and you’ll make sure you won’t forget anything, particularly when you’re cooking new recipes. I take about 30 to 45 minutes the day before I shop for planning what I will be eating, pull the recipes, and then write down the ingredients on my shopping list. It also helps keep you from cheating since you can’t buy what’s not on the list – unless it’s toilet paper, and then, by all means, buy some even if it isn’t on the list!
Don’t Go Hungry
Another helpful tip that works much better than you may suspect is to never go to the store hungry. I’m sure you’ve heard this one, but do you stick to it? It’s much easier to say no to frozen pizza or that box of doughnuts when you’ve just had a yummy veggie or chicken wrap. Go shopping after a meal or at least have a substantial snack before you head to the store. It will do wonders for your willpower. And you won’t be hangry. That’s gold, right there!
To Your Health,