YOU’RE ALMOST THERE!! The holidays and the celebrations are almost over. I love this time of year, seeing my friends and spending lots of time with my kids; such a joyous time. And even though we follow a clean eating lifestyle, we are not immune to the holiday treats. Our answer: A Post-Holiday Reset.

Detox is not a bad 5-Letter Word. I actually recommend quarterly detoxes for my clients. This is the perfect time of the year to do a Detox. But since we are still in the midst of the holidays – I like to shorten the detox and get my body to reset with a mini 4-Day Reset. And if 4 days is still too much for your schedule right now, I have a 24-Hour detox plan for you.

Download my Holiday Survival Kit HERE and receive the 4-Day Post Holiday Reset, complete with recipes and a daily plan.

If you feel congested, the family’s got you stressed, or you devoured a gift box of chocolates, no worries my friend! My Holiday Survival Kit is your solution. I am sharing with you what I do to recharge, regenerate, and kick the bloat so my energy levels stay up and my jeans don’t feel so tight!



This 4-Day Reset has everything you need to cleanse and revitalize after a party, event, or the entire holiday season. Enjoy!

To Your Health,

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