Does the stress of family gatherings and frantic gift shopping make you want to face plant in a bowl of mashed potatoes & not come out until New Year’s?

We all know that the holidays can be taxing on our health. The endless parties and parade of tempting treats can leave us feeling tired, bloated, and ready to break out the elastic waistband…

What if you had a simple plan to take away the worry? What if you could navigate the season without gaining weight, feeling sluggish, or totally stressing out?


Get ready to make it happen with my Healthy Holiday Survival Kit!

Hi, I’m Patti DeFelicis

I am a board certified nutritional therapist. I have been a “sugarholic” since I was 11 years old. I made sugar and food my comfort and my escape from reality. The problem is you can escape reality by eating a ton of food – for about five minutes, and then it all comes crashing back in, along with guilt and shame of overeating and physical pain due to bingeing on harmful food. It was a seemingly endless cycle I could not break. I found help in an overeaters’ group and I also got certified in holistic nutrition so I could regain my health and my life and lose the weight and the guilt. Freedom from those cravings is so, so sweet (pun intended!).

The Healthy Holiday Survival Kit comes with everything you need to make your health a priority this holiday season, regardless of how many pies cross your path.

When you sign up for this FREE Kit, you get:

  • My 28-page e-guide loaded with tips for keeping your sanity (& current dress size) during the holidays.
  • Strategies that teach you when & how to say no, thank you to food
  • AND how to say yes, please & actually enjoy your indulgence, guilt-free

PLUS, you get My 4-Day Post-Holiday Healthy Reset Plan, which includes:

  • 12 delicious, easy to prepare recipes to get your body feeling great after a night (or few) of celebrating
  • A detailed shopping list to save you tons of time at the store
  • A 4-day suggested meal guide for breakfast, lunch, & dinner to guide you through the reset with ease
  • My Daily Holiday Survival Checklist to print out and post on the fridge or in the office so you can stay on track with healthy habits
  • And a Food & Self-Love Journal to help keep you centered and joyful during your celebrations!

This is a NO WORRYING, NO WONDERING plan for navigating the holidays without deprivation or over-indulgence.


You can have a healthy, happy, energetic holiday season even if you:

Work crazy hours at a corporate 9-5

Are trying to wrangle a family of 5 AND get ready for a huge family feast

Feel like you can never say no to holiday treats

Or are worried that your favorite cocktail dress (or pants) won’t fit 3 weeks from now…


The FREE Healthy Holiday Survival Kit will show you how!

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