Mid-October is about the time that I see changes in my clients. And unfortunately, not in the direction you might think. I’m talking about struggles. Clients struggle this time of year. With all the football potlucks, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas holiday parties, it’s a ball that keeps rolling until after the beginning of the year.

Why People Struggle

First, let’s talk about why people struggle with weight and especially so this time of year. Most people know how to lose weight. Most of us have been on one diet or another at some point in our lives. We’ve all heard it before – eat more vegetables, exercise more – calories in = calories out. So why are we struggling?

The answer: We aren’t fully committed. The truth may hurt and as bold as they might sound, our commitment is the big struggle, not motivation, information, exercise, food…those play a big part, but the key here is commitment. Ask yourself if in the past you’ve committed to eating clean and healthy but if some part of you is holding out “just in case something comes up.” Been there done that. It just plain doesn’t work. If you commit to 80/20 eating (80% healthy and 20% not so healthy) make sure you know what 20% really is and stick to it. 30% just ain’t gonna work.

I still have days where I look at a tempting food and want it. Sometimes I have to tell myself it’s absolute poison (which it pretty much is) to bring me back to the reality that if I have one bite of that food I’m sliding down the slippery slope right back where I was before – binging and feeling sick instead of energetic and healthy.

How to Stay Committed

The good news, though, is that fixing this issue is simply a matter of flipping a mental switch and taking complete responsibility for your health.

Once you do this and eliminate the mental roadblocks that have kept you in a perpetuating cycle of dieting, you’ll realize that you have total control over your weight loss journey. You are the one who gets to decide whether or not you achieve your goals.

Setting goals and being held accountable are tools for staying committed, just a couple that I use with my clients.

The Fix

With the upcoming holidays, I wanted to share my 8 tips on how to kick these weight loss struggles to the curb, once and for all.

  1. Write it Down. Here is the commitment piece. Plaster it big and bold where you can see those goals daily.
  2. Announce it. Tell someone what your goals are and where you struggle. Ask for accountability to keep you on track. Yes, ask, and be willing to call that person or persons when you are tempted.
  3. Shift your Mindset. Know what didn’t work in the past and have strategies to help when you find yourself slipping back into an old habit or pattern. Tell yourself the truth. “I can”, “I am” “Veggies are tasty (programs available to make this a true statement!)” If you are addicted to sugar than maybe the 80/20 rule won’t work for you at this time. Here’s what you have to ask yourself: will you DIE if you don’t eat sugar during the holidays? (my answer at one time was “yes” when I was deep into my food addiction. During my recovery I didn’t eat sugar during the holidays and lo and behold, I DIDN’T DIE! In fact, I felt fabulous!) Another thing to ask yourself: is it about the food or is about the relationships? There was a time when I was full-blown into my sugar addiction and if I had committed to not eating sugar, I straight up didn’t want to go to the party, no matter what we were celebrating (I still went, but I was pissed). For me, at that time, it was all about the food and relationships were secondary. How whacked is that? So now you get to decide what it’s about for you.
  4. Get Rid of the Junk. Clean out the Pantry and Fridge. Get rid of the junk food that doesn’t serve you and can cause cravings that will drive you nuts. Celebrate by filling up the pantry and fridge with healthy foods that will fuel your body.
  5. Go Easy On the Fruit. It’s still sugar. One to two pieces per day tops. You can get your fiber from healthy vegetables.
  6. Establish a New Routine. Let’s face it, what you did in the past didn’t work. So, let’s get a new plan. One that works for you. If you need help – give me a call. We can get you a sustainable plan that won’t leave you in the lurks.
  7. Throw out the Excuses. Truly committing means truly committing. Yes, one will hurt you. No, more starting tomorrow. It starts today.
  8. Have a Timeframe. If you have a large goal, set realistic expectations. It’s not 100% about hitting your goal in that timeframe. It’s about successfully completing that goal so you can make sustainable changes.

Weight loss no longer has to be a struggle. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard work and you have to decide whether you’re worth it. I think you are, in fact, I KNOW you are. But the question is, do you?

There is a fix. And help is just a phone call away. Schedule a FREE call with me so we can get you past these struggles for good.

To your health,


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