Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you would have no doubt heard about the amazing benefits of juicing. But did you also know that a juice elixir can also be an additional healthy and safe tool to help you lose weight? When added to an existing weight-loss plan, juicing provides a high level of quality nutrition, which will assist in weight-loss. Read on to find out how and why.

 Easy Digestion

If digestion is hindered, the same will be true for weight loss. One of the best benefits of juicing fresh fruit and vegetables is that drinking them (as opposed to eating them) makes them easy for your body to digest. If you juice a couple of tomatoes, celery, cucumber, spinach, and carrot, you’ll end up with a delicious and easy to drink fresh vegetable cocktail that will provide an enormous amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to your body. If you were to consume those same vegetables raw from a plate in one sitting, you would find the process to be quite difficult. It would take a lot of effort to eat and digest the same quantity of food. But by juicing those vegetables, you get to drink a dense amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients in one glass.

Reduction in Cravings

When you drink a glass of freshly made vegetable or green juice, you’re loading up every cell of your body with detoxifying minerals. By drinking your veggies and fruit, you are giving your body all the amazing nutrients that it needs to heal, stay healthy, and reduce the risk of illness. In turn, you will also find that you experience a reduction in cravings, particularly for sweets or processed foods. This is because you are feeding your body many of the nutrients it needs. Your body won’t be sending messages to your brain that make you crave particular foods that contain certain minerals or vitamins that you might otherwise lack. It is in this way that you will start to lose weight, often quite quickly. You won’t be eating the wrong foods that make you gain weight, and you won’t feel deprived of these foods like you might, if dieting.

Tasty Fuel

Green juices taste great! You can make your juice flavorful by adding in lemon, mint, apple or ginger to add a tasty punch to your juice. It is also worth noting that the juice you make at home is a much better option than store bought. Fresh juice made with a base of vegetables is going to contain much more nutrition than the kind that comes from a carton. Even fresh, store-bought juices will often have sugars and other additives as well as preservatives added to the juice, which translates into unnecessary calories.

Filling Snack or Dessert

Another amazing thing about juicing; after drinking a glass of freshly juiced fruits and veggies, you are more likely to feel satisfied and satiated, much more than you would by eating empty junk food calories. Instead of searching for more food – even after you’ve just eaten something, you will find that you don’t want or need anything more.

Juicing is not a fad diet

Once you start making juicing a regular part of your lifestyle and experiencing all of its health benefits, you will realize that juicing is not a fad. Unlike regimented diets that are difficult to follow and which can often make you GAIN weight, juicing works in such a remarkable way that you will want to include it in your life forever. Unlike fad diets, you will never feel deprived or hungry. Not only that, but other aspects of your health will also improve. You might notice your skin is clearer, your eyes are brighter, and your nails and hair grow more quickly. You will also have more energy and start to feel marvelous.

You invest in your health

To start juicing regularly, you will need to invest in a juicer, which initially will mean setting aside a bit of money. Remember, you are committing to your health and weight loss. Your investment gives you a reason to stick to the concept of juicing long enough that you will start to notice the difference in how you feel. It is also an investment in your health; not only does juice help you lose weight, but it may save you from forking out major coinage in future medical fees. If you have room, store your juicer on your kitchen countertop, so it is readily available for use.

Fun and Variety

To lose weight and to stay motivated, life needs to be fun, right? As you start to get into juicing, you will find it great fun making new combinations of fruit and vegetable cocktails. The internet is a great source for recipes; you’ll see the endless variety of beverages that you can make, and you’ll never get bored. You may also want to share these drinks with others, which will probably result in you receiving encouragement and support from those around you as you continue to make strides toward your weight-loss goals. Support is crucial when it comes to making, and sticking to, healthy changes in your life.

Juicing is a fabulously fun, easy, and healthy way to shed those unwanted pounds without struggle or deprivation. You’ve got nothing to lose by making juicing a regular part of your lifestyle. Please note that I am not recommending juicing in place of regularly eating fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and proteins. Juices would be in addition to the foods mentioned above. To get you started, here is a delicious and easy recipe to kick-start your weight-loss:

Trim and Delicious Green Juice

  • 4 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ beetroot (peeled)
  • 1 rib celery
  • 1 lemon
  • 1-inch piece of ginger

Run the vegetables through your juicer and enjoy asap!

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